Marketing Alternatives for Specialty Produce
Publication Date: 1/31/2008
Describes marketing and farm business management for Pacific Northwest vegetable and fruit growers as well as a snapshot of practices used in specialty agriculture. Authors: Larry Burt, Curt...
The Financial Condition of Idaho Agriculture: 2023
Publication Date: 1/2/2024
This annual report details the financial health of Idaho agriculture, containing statistics on farm cash receipts, net farm income, government payments, the gross domestic product, and livestock...
The Financial Condition of Idaho Agriculture: 2018
Publication Date: 1/23/2019
Summary of the financial condition of Idaho agriculture in 2018. Includes net farm income, cash receipts, revenue from livestock and crops, and the overall contribution of agribusiness to Idaho's...
The Financial Condition of Idaho Agriculture: 2022
Publication Date: 12/1/2022
This annual report details the financial health of Idaho agriculture, containing statistics on farm cash receipts, net farm income, government payments, the gross domestic product, and livestock...
The Financial Condition of Idaho Agriculture: 2020
Publication Date: 2/17/2021
This comprehensive yet concise annual report, often relied upon by state legislators, summarizes the financial condition of Idaho agriculture. The categories covered for 2020 include net farm...
Herbicide-Resistant Weeds and Their Management
Publication Date: 12/31/2010
Keep weeds in your fields from becoming herbicide resistant by rotating among herbicides regularly. Learn how and why in this publication. Especially useful is a color-coded chart to help you...
The Financial Condition of Idaho Agriculture: 2019
Publication Date: 1/12/2020
Summary of the financial condition of Idaho agriculture in 2019. Includes net farm income, cash receipts, revenue from livestock and crops, and the overall contribution of agribusiness to Idaho's...
Cherry Training Systems: Selection and Development
Publication Date: 12/31/2014
This publication describes the seven major pruning systems used in commercial cherry tree orchards in Oregon, Idaho, Washington and Michigan. Download the cherry training systems app (designed for...
2018 Farm Bill Agricultural Commodity Support Programs
Publication Date: 5/20/2020
This publication reports on the 2018 Farm Bill in order to help agricultural producers in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) navigate its policies and programs, including updates on the dairy, crop and...
The Financial Condition of Idaho Agriculture: 2021
Publication Date: 1/20/2022
This comprehensive yet concise annual report, often relied upon by state legislators, summarizes the financial condition of Idaho agriculture. The categories covered for 2021 include net farm...
Farm-direct Marketing: Personnel Management
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
This revision includes information on complying with labor laws, ways to find good employees, employee orientation and training, employee policies and employee management. Author: Christy Anderson...
Inland Pacific Northwest Pasture Calendar
Publication Date: 3/14/2024
The Inland PNW Pasture Calendar is a comprehensive guide intended to help improve grassland management of forage-livestock systems in the region. From eight chapters and eighteen appendices, learn...
Managing Salt-affected Soils for Crop Production
Publication Date: 4/1/2022
Salt accumulation in soil can reduce crop yields and destroy a soil’s structure if not managed effectively. In this 21-page publication, learn how to test for and evaluate the salts present in...
Author(s): Maria Zamora Re, Abigail Tomasek, Bryan G. Hopkins, Dan M. Sullivan, Linda J. Brewer
Drying Fruits and Vegetables
Publication Date: 12/31/2008
$5 Written primarily for drying in an electric dehydrator, this guide applies as well to oven drying. Sections cover selecting, preparing and pretreating foods for drying as well as storing and...
Integrated Pest Management for Ants in Schools
Publication Date: 1/30/2022
Ant species are often beneficial in landscape settings. They aerate the soil, distribute seeds and play an important role in recycling organic matter. But the same ant species obtain pest status...
Smoking Fish at Home-Safely
Publication Date: 12/31/2008
$1 Smoked fish is a healthy, protein-rich food, but it usually contains a lot of sodium. Although salting is a vital technique that wards off foodborne illness, meat treats like these should be...
How to Reduce Bee Poisoning from Pesticides
Publication Date: 2/29/2016
Covers causes of bee poisoning in the PNW, signs and symptoms of bee poisoning, and ways growers, beekeepers and pesticide applicators can reduce bee poisoning. Includes extensive tables listing...
2021 PNW Weed Management Handbook
Publication Date: 3/31/2021
This comprehensive guide to weed management in the Pacific Northwest covers biological weed control agents; pesticide safety and disposal; agrichemicals and their properties; and control of problem...
Iron in Drinking Water
Publication Date: 12/31/2005
Iron in drinking water, though harmless, can result in poor tasting unattractive water that stains both plumbing fixtures and clothing. PNW 589 discusses four types of iron in water and seven...
Las interactions son el corazon del la resiliencia
Publication Date: 2/10/2022
Una forma de fomentar la resiliencia en los niños pequeños es practicar "Servir y devolver." Cuando un niño se exprese, uno puede responder uniéndose a él en una actividad y dándole ánimo. Esta...
Farm Safety Series (Spanish)
Publication Date: 12/31/1998
A sturdy envelope contains this series of 15 fact sheets designed to help farm and ranch managers conduct employee training on health and safety topics. Each fact sheet can be used as a master for...
Judging Meat Goats and Oral Reasons 101
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
This publication will help youth and beginning meat goat producers to understand the four basic criteria for selecting a meat goat. It will also help beginners in 4-H and FFA livestock judging to...
White Campion or White Cockle
Publication Date: 12/31/2005
White campion or white cockle infests hay fields, roadsides, ditches and fencerows. Learn how to identify, prevent and control white this prolific seed producer in this three-page profile, lushly...
Growing Kiwifruit
Publication Date: 12/31/2003
Idaho gardeners with curiosity and diligence may want to attempt to grow hardy kiwifruit. This publication explains how. Author: Bernadine Strik 27 pages
Making Garlic- and Herb-Infused Oils at Home
Publication Date: 12/31/2013
You can safely store your infused oils at room temperature when you follow the procedures in this publication. Authors: Barbara Abo, Josh BeVan, Surine Greenway, Beverly Healy, Sandra M. McCurdy,...
How to Feed Your Laying Hens
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
This publication helps small-flock chicken producers select the correct feeds and manage watering to meet the nutritional needs of their laying hens at specific stages of the birds' development.
4-H Hunt Seat and Jumper Manual
Publication Date: 6/4/1995
For 4-H'ers and those with a desire to develop their hunt seat equitation and jumping skills, this manual provides clear drawings and understandable directions. Topics include equipment, training...
Pollinators in Canola in the Inland Pacific Northwest
Publication Date: 2/22/2021
Pollinators play an important role in crop productivity. Unfortunately, myriad pressures are causing their populations to decline steeply. While a single approach to solving the pollinator crisis...
Canning Smoked Fish at Home
Publication Date: 12/31/2013
This bulletin gives instructions for lightly smoking fish in preparation for canning and for the canning process itself. Fully smoked fish, in contrast, is too dry and strongly flavored after...
Rush Skeletonweed
Publication Date: 12/31/2011
Rush skeletonweed is an exotic herbaceous biennial or creeping perennial plant that aggressively infests rangeland, cropland and disturbed areas. Along with explanations of management strategies,...
4-H Home Food Preservation Series: Drying Project Manual
Publication Date: 12/31/2012
For ages eight to 18, the drying project manual covers the basics of healthy eating and food safety and specific instructions for drying fruits, vegetables and herbs. Thirteen hands-on activities...
Grow Your Own: Beans and Peas
Publication Date: 12/31/1995
Describes the types of beans and peas that fare well in the Pacific Northwest and how to grow them. Drawings illustrate a variety of bean and pea supports. Authors: James R. Myers, W. Michael Colt,...
4-H Horse Project
Publication Date: 12/31/2012
This is a basic resource for 4-H members doing a horse project in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Book sections cover horse breeds, psychology and how to choose a horse; the horse's health, care and...
Natural Insecticides
Publication Date: 12/31/2012
This publication addresses the common misconceptions associated with products labeled "natural" and "organic," and describes related insecticides intended for home gardening. Categories include...
Corn Smuts
Publication Date: 12/31/2012
Two types of smut attack corn in the Pacific Northwest: common smut and head smut. This publication provides descriptions of symptoms and the disease cycle, and management strategies (which differ...
Fire-Resistant Plants for Home Landscapes
Publication Date: 10/16/2023
Home landscaping is an important part of a community's resistance to wildfire. Learn what plants can help you create an attractive environment and reduce the risk of fire. Authors: Amy Jo...
Fresh Cheese Made Safely
Publication Date: 12/4/2019
Queso fresco, a fresh, crumbly, white cheese, can be made at home. Step-by-step process for making this cheese safely included. Author: Lizann Powers-Hammond 6 pages
Large Raspberry Aphid (Amphorophora agathonica)
Publication Date: 12/31/2012
Large raspberry aphid, Amphorophora agathonica , is an important pest in red and black raspberries in the Pacific Northwest. It transmits plant viruses that cause decreased cane vigor and fruit...
Applying Adaptive Grazing Management
Publication Date: 10/31/2018
Grazing management requires flexibility to adapt to ever-changing climatic conditions, and changes in grazing management for public lands may be required because of endangered or threatened species.
Introduction to Forest Carbon, Offsets and Markets
Publication Date: 12/18/2023
Learn the basics of forest carbon, offsets and markets in this 18-page publication. Forest owners, land managers, natural resource experts and other interested landowners will find its discussion...
Scheduling Irrigation with a Pressure Chamber (Part 1)
Publication Date: 6/30/2018
How to use a pressure chamber as a tool to help you schedule irrigation in wine grape vineyards. The two most important questions you need to answer for irrigation scheduling are "How much?" and...
Threat-based Management for Creeks, Streams and Rivers
Publication Date: 12/26/2023
Learn how to rapidly assess and manage water systems in this 66-page fully illustrated guide. Designed for those with little to some knowledge of riparian ecology, this decision-support tool not...
Making Jerky at Home Safely
Publication Date: 9/9/2020
$7 Jerky is a nutritious, nonperishable, and lightweight protein source, but making it requires a lot of care. If done incorrectly, you can poison yourself or others. This publication shows you how...
Big Game from Hunt to Home
Publication Date: 12/31/2009
$6.25 For your next hunting trip, the information in this publication will make sure the meat you bring home will be high quality. Meat from big game animals (deer, antelope, elk, moose and bear)...
Proper Egg Handling: From Farm or Grocery Store to Table
Publication Date: 12/1/2022
Eggs are part of a healthy diet and a convenient protein source. If not managed properly they can cause illness. Learn the food-safety basics of handling, storing, selling and consuming eggs from...
Weed and Vegetation Management in Christmas Trees
Publication Date: 11/30/2017
Describes the top dozen weeds in Christmas trees and strategies for managing them, including prevention, mechanical control, control with cover crops and vegetated strips, flame weeding, biological...
Dehorn Calves with Paste/Descornar Terneras con Pasta
Publication Date: 12/31/2010
Of the various methods for dehorning calves that will live in confined areas, dehorning with paste is easy, effective, economical and low stress to the animals. This illustrated sheet covers the...
Farm Safety Series (English)
Publication Date: 12/31/1997
A sturdy envelope contains this series of 15 fact sheets designed to help farm and ranch managers conduct employee training on health and safety topics. Each fact sheet can be used as a master for...
Evaluating Honey Bee Colonies for Pollination
Publication Date: 12/31/2010
For commercial growers who rent honey bees for pollination and beekeepers who provide pollination services, here is information on honey bee colony strength evaluation, average number of colonies...
4-H Animal Science Lesson Plans: Level 1
Publication Date: 4/14/2020
By providing instruction outlines for adults, this 263-page curriculum delivers animal science education to youth, particularly 4-H members working with beef, sheep, swine and goats. The 38...
Biosolids in Dryland Cropping Systems
Publication Date: 3/4/2019
This publication reviews the long term benefits of municipal biosolids applications on soil health in dryland cereal and pasture cropping systems east of the Cascades. Biosolids were an especially...
Market Poultry Lesson Plans: From Egg To Animal
Publication Date: 9/1/2022
Raising animals is one of the foundational learning experiences for 4-H youth. Chickens are fairly easy for children to start with but there is a learning curve. This bulletin conveniently compiles...
Oxeye Daisy
Publication Date: 12/31/2004
How to recognize and manage oxeye daisy in pastures, rangelands and road sides. Color photographs. Authors: Steven Hines, Timothy S. Prather, Sandra Robins 4 pages
Manage Wildlife Conflicts in Your Home and Garden
Publication Date: 3/6/2019
Our homes and gardens often overlap with spaces and resources used by wild animals, both native and non-native. A "shared habitat" situation can pose some challenges when the animals' day-to-day...
2021 PNW Plant Disease Management Handbook
Publication Date: 3/31/2021
A comprehensive guide to plant disease management in the Pacific Northwest. Includes materials and tactics suitable for organic production and homeowner use as well as for commercial production.
There Are Dangers Lurking in Your Flour
Publication Date: 1/30/2022
Many don't realize that raw flour can transmit foodborne illnesses. This PNW publication outlines the risks of flour-based crafts and the steps you can take to keep people safe. Authors: Stephanie A.
Canning Meat, Poultry, and Game
Publication Date: 2/28/2018
This guide walks you through the essential steps to ensure tasty yet safe results. You will find information every beginner needs, including recipes and an easy-to-read table for determining...
Organic Management of Flea Beetles
Publication Date: 12/31/2011
Flea beetles are common garden pests found throughout the Pacific Northwest. Flea beetle feeding on plants in the Brassicaceae and Solanaceae families can scar foliage and potato tubers, leading to...
Physiological Leaf Roll of Tomato
Publication Date: 5/31/2011
This publication helps distinguish between tomato physiological leaf roll and infectious plant diseases that can cause yield and fruit quality losses. Also discusses leaf roll management strategies...
The Care and Maintenance of Wood Shingle and Shake Roofs
Publication Date: 1/21/2020
Wood shingles and shakes can provide years of service if properly installed and maintained. Learn what kinds of wood make the best roofing material; how to protect against fungus, moss and lichen;...
Short-Season Vegetable Gardening
Publication Date: 12/31/1995
Pacific Northwest gardeners often find the growing season too short to grow vegetables. Two horticulturists detail the special practices (including soil preparations, protective coverings,...
Integrated Pest Management for Bed Bugs in Schools
Publication Date: 9/12/2021
While schools are generally inhospitable to bed bugs, it's not uncommon to encounter bed bugs in school settings. Bed bugs sometimes stow away on articles being returned to school or drop off a...
Enhancing Reforestation Success in the Inland Northwest
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
This publication highlights vegetation management strategies to improve conifer seedling survival and growth. It compares vegetation management methods such as scalping, mulch mats and herbicides...
Slow Cooking from Start to Finish
Publication Date: 6/20/2022
A slow cooker produces a variety of delicious and healthy meals that save time, energy and money. Learn about this versatile kitchen appliance — operating it; selecting one that suits your needs;...
Publication Date: 2/28/2018
Growing edamame is a delicious and versatile vegetable and also a joy with a little help from these experts. Authors: Carol Miles, Justin O'Dea, Catherine Daniels, Jacky King 10 pages
4-H Cavy Project - Leader Guide
Publication Date: 9/4/2005
The 4-H Cavy Project is an animal science curriculum for youth in grades K-12. It consists of the curriculum introduction, cavy project information and experiential (hands-on) activities. Authors:...
Publication Date: 9/1/2022
El tasajo es una fuente de proteína nutritiva, no perecedero, y ligero, pero su preparación requiere mucho cuidado. Si se hace incorrectamente, puede envenenarse a sí mismo o a los demás. Esta...
Author(s): Julie Buck, Laura Sant, Amy Robertson
Straw Removal Calculator Guide
Publication Date: 11/29/2023
Straw removal has become a widespread practice in dryland wheat production in the inland Pacific Northwest. Although straw harvest may provide short-run economic benefits, it also can incur hidden...
Sensor Sprayers for Specialty Crop Production
Publication Date: 6/23/2019
Sensor-controlled spray systems can help growers use fewer chemicals and less water while maintaining good pest control. Learn about the pros and cons of different types of sensor sprayers.
The Western Oregon and Washington Pasture Calendar
Publication Date: 11/30/2017
This publication describes, by climatic zone, perennial pasture plant growth and how management actions can affect growth, both positively and negatively. Optimal management of forages by season is...
Master Water Stewards Module 6: Stream Biology
Publication Date: 10/20/2021
In the sixth of seven educational learning modules for the IDAH2O Master Water Stewards citizen-science water-quality monitoring program, you'll complete a Stream Biological Assessment. Stream...
Good Field Practices for Agricultural Workers
Publication Date: 10/1/2022
The Pacific Northwest is known for its high-quality produce. To preserve this reputation, all people involved in farm activities should be thoroughly trained in practices that promote health and...
Internal Dry Scale and Associated Bulb Rots of Onion
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
Onion growers and packers in the Pacific Northwest have observed a problem on red, white and yellow cultivars: internal dry scale. Bulbs affected by internal dry scale have dead inner scales that...
Freezing Fruits and Vegetables
Publication Date: 8/31/2018
$5 This publication describes how to freeze fruits, vegetables and juices, and how to refreeze frozen foods. Includes freezing fruit without sugar, with ascorbic acid, in syrup and packed in sugar;...
Eat Smart Idaho Grocery Store Tour
Publication Date: 11/1/2022
A supplement for Eat Smart Idaho nutrition education classes, this 11-minute video, hosted by a registered dietician, teaches viewers how to save money and improve the nutritional value of their...
Bed Bugs in the Classroom
Publication Date: 9/12/2021
What do you do if you find a bed bug in school? This fact sheet for educators and families covers prevention, identification and best practices for treating an infestation. Authors: Dawn H. Gouge,...
Farm-direct Marketing: Food Safety and Product Quality
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
This is the new, eighth publication in the Farm-direct Marketing set. Includes information on aspects of keeping your products fresh and safe, such as proper cooling, handling, storage, chilling...
Encouraging Beneficial Insects in Your Garden
Publication Date: 12/31/2000
Discusses how to use beneficial insects for controlling garden pests, including how to protect beneficials, create habitat for them, and buy and release them. Includes drawings of common...
Holiday Ham and Cheese Quiche
Publication Date: 8/2/2020
Holiday leftovers are a given, but ham and turkey adapt well into a variety of dishes that will satisfy your family's appetite. Along with enchiladas or quesadillas, a quiche makes a nutritious and...
Home Freezing of Seafood
Publication Date: 12/31/2005
Learn how to prepare and freeze fish so that it tastes almost as fresh and delicately flavored as the day it was caught. Revised by Barbara Rasco and originally prepared by Kenneth S. Hildebrand, Jr.
Nothing but Herbs: A Case Study of a Small-Acreage Farm
Publication Date: 12/31/2000
Barbara Arnold owns Nothing but Herbs, a 4 1/2 acre farm in the Idaho Panhandle. She shares her expertise on growing and marketing more than 230 varieties of herbs in this video presentation...
You Can Prevent Foodborne Illness
Publication Date: 12/31/2008
$2 What is a foodborne illness? What causes it? How can your reduce your risk of getting one? Learn about all this and more, including various types of foodborne illnesses, the proper use a...
Monitoring Insect Bucket Traps
Publication Date: 4/4/2021
Learn how to set up a bucket trap for monitoring flying insects. This method allows farmers, gardeners or other pest managers to learn more about insects entering their crops. The method works by...
Idaho Economic Recovery During COVID-19
Publication Date: 3/23/2021
Causing multiple shutdowns, COVID-19 wreaked havoc on the world economy. In a short informational video, two economics experts from University of Idaho Extension take a closer look. They briefly...
Wild Carrot
Publication Date: 12/31/2002
An abundant seed producer, wild carrot grows in meadows, pastures, along roadsides and in non-crop areas. A Class B noxious weed in Washington, the pest ruins cultivated carrot seed and possibly is...
Riparian Vegetated Buffers Protect Land and Streams
Publication Date: 3/31/2018
The best and cheapest way to protect your land from eroding away and protect clean water and fish habitat is to maintain streamside and lakeshore vegetation. This University of Idaho Extension...
Meadowlark Farm: A Case Study of a Small-Acreage Farm
Publication Date: 3/4/2004
Located on nine acres near Nampa, Janie Burns' meadowlark Farm is home to 70 sheep, 50 chickens and 30 turkeys (all fed free range). Burns also grows a variety of vegetables on 1/4 acre. She uses...
Sampling Dairy Manure and Compost for Nutrient Analysis
Publication Date: 12/31/2014
Testing the nutrient content of dairy manure or compost reveals nutrient value and determines the application rate, but it must be done correctly. This six-page guide shows you how to conduct a...
Urban Forests and Protecting Lakes and Streams
Publication Date: 8/31/2018
Urban Forests have a large positive impact on stormwater pollution and volume. In this University of Idaho Extension video, we will explore how cities' street trees can absorb pollution and slow...
Integrated Management of Downy Brome in Winter Wheat
Publication Date: 8/2/2020
Downy brome ( Bromus tectorum L. ), also known as cheatgrass, is especially troublesome in low precipitation production areas where crop rotations are mostly limited to winter wheat followed by a...
Urban Farming For Healthy Water
Publication Date: 3/31/2018
Community-based agriculture and home rain gardens can help protect water with soil conservation and wise water use. In this University of Idaho Extension video, the Gathering Garden stands as a...
Conservas de Tomates y Productos de Tomates
Publication Date: 12/31/2014
Se deben usar métodos seguros para el envase de tomates o productos de tomate. Como resultado de nuevos hallazgos de investigación y cambios en las variedades de tomates, las recomendaciones para...
Management of White Mold of Beans
Publication Date: 12/31/2002
Describes the symptoms, disease cycle and management of white mold in beans, including prelanting considerations, cultural control and chemical control. Full-color photographs picture white mold as...
Helping Memory-Impaired Elders: A Guide for Caregivers
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
Discusses the causes of dementia and how to cope with a progressive dementing illness, respond to dementia-caused difficult behaviors and communicate with a memory-impaired person. Provides...
Why Did My Chickens Stop Laying?
Publication Date: 12/31/2002
Hens stop laying eggs for a variety of reasons but hormonal fluctuation is the main one. This publication briefly discusses what triggers that effect, including decreasing day length, molting,...
Urban Greenspaces for Clean Water
Publication Date: 8/31/2018
Stormwater runoff carries lots of pollution from parking lots and other impervious surfaces in urbanized areas. Greenspaces offer an opportunity to filter and treat stormwater through natural...
I Want to Log "Selectively"
Publication Date: 12/31/1999
While many forest landowners are interested in cutting trees to improve forest health, generate income or other reasons, they are often reluctant to alter the appearance of their forest too...
Canning Tomatoes and Tomato Products
Publication Date: 12/31/2014
$3.50 Covers how to select equipment, prepare equipment and tomatoes, pack jars, add acid and salt, close jars, cool, test for a seal, store and check jars for spoilage. Outlines steps for...
Integrated Weed Management in Dry Edible Beans
Publication Date: 12/31/2000
Describes problem weed species and the steps involved in integrated weed management: includes 20 full-color photographs of weed seedlings and a table listing the susceptibility of 26 weeds to...
Thinning-An Important Timber Management Tool
Publication Date: 12/31/1982
Thinning a dense stand of trees can increase a forest's health and scenic beauty while improving your property's value. Along with explaining how seedlings grow into mature trees, how stands of...
Wastewater Treatment Plants Removing Phosphorous
Publication Date: 3/31/2018
Small increases in phosphorous, a plant nutrient, can start big changes in aquatic nuisance plant life. This University of Idaho Extension video explains how phosphorous removal by wastewater...
Logging Selectively
Publication Date: 12/31/1999
$9 While many forest landowners are interested in cutting trees to improve forest health, generate income or other reasons, they are often reluctant to alter the appearance of their forest too...
Training and Pruning Your Home Orchard
Publication Date: 12/31/2010
$3 Training fruit trees helps them to develop a strong sturdy structure that will support years of high-quality productivity. This 12-page bulletin provides all you need to know about training and...
Using and Caring for Your Pressure Canner
Publication Date: 7/1/2022
Pressure canning is the only safe way to preserve meat, poultry, seafood and vegetables in cans. This booklet describes the different canner types available, the safety features they offer and how...
Meadow Deathcamas in the Pacific Northwest
Publication Date: 12/31/2012
Found in all areas of the Pacific Northwest, meadow deathcamas (Toxicoscordion venenosum) is capable of killing livestock whether eaten as forage or in dried hay. Human poisonings have been...
Navigating Work and Family
Publication Date: 12/31/2001
For child care providers, employers, teachers or almost anyone who serves parents and their children, as well as parents themselves, a sturdy folder holds 10 "handouts" suitable for photocopying...
Growing Christmas Trees in the Pacific Northwest
Publication Date: 12/31/2002
This primer for new Christmas tree growers covers market trends, opportunities and risks, tree management, species descriptions, laws and regulations, and costs and returns. Contains 11 color...
Farm-direct Marketing: Financial Management
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
This revision looks at several aspects of a successful farm-direct enterprise, including benefits of good farm financial planning, explanation of important terms used in financial planning, keys to...
2021 PNW Insect Management Handbook
Publication Date: 3/31/2021
A comprehensive guide to insect management in commercial crops and environments and in home landscapes and gardens in the Pacific Northwest. Covers pesticide safety and toxicity, protecting bees,...
Salsa Recipes for Canning
Publication Date: 12/31/2013
$2.50 Salsa is one of the most popular condiments, so much so that many consumers make it at home. But do you know how to prepare this savory, spicy treat for canning? Indeed, maintaining adequate...
Baby Corn
Publication Date: 2/28/2018
With a crisp texture and a subtle, slightly sweet corn flavor, this delicious veggie is surprisingly easy to cultivate. Authors: Carol Miles, Catherine Daniels, Leslie Zenz, Jacky King 8 pages
4-H Horse Judging Manual
Publication Date: 9/5/2004
This illustrated publication includes the following topics: horse anatomy, unsoundnesses and blemishes; halter horse judging, descriptions and regulations for the different horse breeds; judging...
The PNW 4-H Horse Contest Guide
Publication Date: 12/31/2014
This publication provides the definitive compilation of rules for 4-H horse contests in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Categories include General Rules, Clothing and Equipment, Contest Guidelines,...
Sanitizer Basics for the Food Industry
Publication Date: 10/6/2020
Cleaning and sanitation are critical to maintaining quality and safety in your food industry operation. This PNW helps food industry operations make cleaning and sanitizing programs part of their...
Apple Scab
Publication Date: 12/31/2004
Particularly troublesome where rainfall and relative humidity are high, and under overtree irrigation, apple scab can defoliate trees and blemish fruit to a point where it is unmarketable. Learn...
Nitrogen Management for Hard Wheat Protein Enhancement
Publication Date: 12/31/2004
With a focus on irrigated wheat in the Pacific Northwest, this bulletin discusses the many factors that govern wheat protein. It draws from regional research that addresses the nitrogen management...
Nightshade: Biology and Control in the Pacific Northwest
Publication Date: 12/31/2005
Covers nightshade distribution in the Pacific Northwest; identification of hairy, black, cultleaf and bittersweet nightshades; nightshade biology and toxicity; crop damage; and control practices...
Biodiesel in the Pacific Northwest
Publication Date: 1/28/2021
With world demand for green energy sources growing exponentially, alternative fuel is definitely a market worth knowing more about. Biodiesel, an alternative fuel produced from fats like vegetable...
Trees Against the Wind
Publication Date: 12/31/2002
Learn how to plan, establish and care for windbreaks, shelterbelts and living snow fences in this 48-page booklet. Along with covering windbreak design, the authors (two foresters) discuss how to...
Commercial Red Raspberry Production
Publication Date: 12/31/2006
$13.50 A comprehensive guide to commercial red raspberry production in the Pacific Northwest. Includes chapters on cultivar selection, plantation establishment, plantation maintenance, plant...
Pickling Vegetables
Publication Date: 12/31/2014
$3.75 Describes the equipment and ingredients needed for pickling, and how to pack jars, process vegetables and store the pickled results. Includes 17 recipes, processing times for various...
Integrated Management of Feral Rye in Winter Wheat
Publication Date: 6/7/2020
Feral rye ( Secale cereale L.), also known as volunteer rye, is a troublesome weed in winter wheat production in the low and intermediate rainfall zones of eastern Washington, Oregon and southern...
Managing Woodland Roads
Publication Date: 8/31/2017
A full-color field guide to building and maintaining unpaved roads in woodland environments. Contains information on road shapes and surfaces, cross-drainage structures, stream crossings,...
Reducing Fire Risk on Your Property
Publication Date: 12/31/2009
Can your forested property survive a wildfire? If you're not sure, this 41-page 2010 booklet is a definite must-read. Along with describing fire behavior, Extension foresters from the tristate...
Sweet Cherry Rootstocks for the Pacific Northwest
Publication Date: 9/8/2021
Cherry growers have many options when it comes to choosing rootstocks. The combination of new dwarfing rootstocks with high-density training systems leads to earlier production. But growers need to...
Cattle Vaccine Handling and Management Guidelines
Publication Date: 12/31/2012
Recent research indicates vaccine efficacy is at risk due to improper handling and storage by retailers and livestock producers. Following these guidelines will help ensure effective disease...
Nutrient Management for Field Corn Silage and Grain
Publication Date: 12/31/2009
Adequate nutrition is essential if productive new corn hybrids are to realize their full yield potential. This publication provides fertilizer guidelines based on university research and a special...
Storing Food for Safety and Quality
Publication Date: 3/1/2023
Proper food storage ensures that the food you bring home remains safe to eat and retains its high quality. This 24-page PNW teaches you all the basics about home storage of food, including pantry...
Agronomic Zones of the Dryland Pacific Northwest
Publication Date: 2/28/2019
With an annual wheat harvest valued at $2.1 billion, producers in Idaho, Oregon and Washington know the value of farming practices adapted to each region, county and field. Researchers mapped...
Farm-direct Marketing: Costs and Enterprise Selection
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
This revision covers how to do a general budget analysis for your farm-direct enterprise. Includes how to identify fixed and variable costs and do a breakeven analysis. Author: Larry Lev 6 pages
Pickling Fish and Other Aquatic Foods for Home Use
Publication Date: 3/31/2009
$1 Outlines the basic steps in pickling fish and gives a basic recipe suitable for pickling most fish with high oil contents. Authors: Barbara Rasco, Kenneth S. Hildebrand, Jr 2 pages
Fertilizing with Manure and Other Organic Amendments
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
Are you thinking about using manure to fertilize your farm but want more information? Properly managed manure applications recycle nutrients to crops, improve soil quality and protect water quality.
Western Waterhemlock in the Pacific Northwest
Publication Date: 12/31/2012
Western waterhemlock ( xCicuta douglasii ) is the most poisonous plant in North America — a piece of root no larger than a walnut can kill a mature cow. Every part of the plant is toxic. To help...
Canning Timer and Checklist Application
Publication Date: 3/1/2020
Select from over 50 popular foods used in home canning — including vegetables, fruits, meats, jams, jellies, pickles and seafood — to generate a checklist and timer for processing. This app lets...
Knotweed Shrubs: Identification, Biology, and Management
Publication Date: 12/31/2008
Being able to correctly identify the five knotweeds that grow in the Northwest can help you choose the best control strategies. Color photographs of the weeds accompany a detailed chart describing...
Silver Scurf Management in Potatoes
Publication Date: 12/31/2012
Silver scurf, a fungal disease that causes blemishes that make potatoes appear “dirty,” has plagued North American potato production for the past thirty years. Its unsightly appearance discourages...
Sweet Cherry Cultivars for the Fresh Market
Publication Date: 12/31/2006
Full-color photographs accompany descriptions of 12 dark red sweet cherry cultivars suitable for fresh markets in the Pacific Northwest. Tabular data succinctly charts bloom and harvest dates...
Publication Date: 3/19/2020
With a spiny fruit capable of injuring hooves, feet and vehicle tires, growers from across the spectrum can learn to effectively manage this weed. Authors: Dale K. Whaley, Robert Parker, Rick...
Growing Wasabi in the Pacific Northwest
Publication Date: 12/31/2007
Describes wasabi cultivar selection, propagation methods, growing environments, irrigation and fertilizer needs, planting requirements, weed control, harvest considerations, storage, insect and...
Propagating Shrubs, Vines, and Trees from Stem Cuttings
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
Adding more greenery to your home landscape? Tired of buying so many trees and shrubs to do it? A possible alternative is to use stem cuttings from your current trees and shrubs to make more, a...
Judging Beef Cattle and Oral Reasons 101
Publication Date: 12/31/2014
This publication will help youth and beginning cattle producers to understand the five basic criteria for selecting a beef animal. It will also help beginners in 4-H and FFA livestock judging to...
Sampling Agricultural Odors
Publication Date: 12/31/2007
Agricultural odors can be quite problematic for livestock producers, particularly when the neighbors begin to complain. Monitoring these unpleasant smells can help producers to gauge their severity...
Conservas de Frutas
Publication Date: 12/31/2014
Esta publicación explica cómo garantizar tanto la seguridad como la calidad de las frutas frescas guardadas en conserva. Los detalles cubiertos incluyen la selección y la preparación del equipo; la...
Integrated Pest Management for Ants in the Classroom
Publication Date: 1/30/2022
Ants invading school buildings is a commonly reported pest problem in the Pacific Northwest. Many ant species are remarkably capable of finding food and moisture and highly efficient at harvesting...
Farm-direct Marketing: An Overview and Introduction
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
This revision summarizes benefits, drawbacks and requirements of several direct marketing options, including farmers markets, farm or roadside stands, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), U-pick,...
Ethanol in the Pacific Northwest
Publication Date: 8/31/2018
Ethanol: Where does it come from? How is it used? Learn the background of ethanol as a transportation biofuel and the important role it plays in the PNW. Authors: Noelle M. Hart, Keaton L. Lesnik,...
Judging Swine and Oral Reasons 101
Publication Date: 12/31/2014
This publication will help youth and beginning swine producers to understand the five basic criteria for selecting a swine animal. It will also help beginners in 4-H and FFA livestock judging to...
Propagating Plants from Seed
Publication Date: 12/31/2008
$2.50 The enjoyment of growing plants can be enhanced by using successful methods. This 20-page booklet covers seed selection, starting plants indoors, planting seeds outdoors, and starting both...
Fertilizing with Biosolids
Publication Date: 12/31/2014
Focuses on how biosolids can be used to supply nutrients to crops. Describes the nutrient content and fertilizer replacement value of biosolids and the relationship between biosolids nutrient...
Buckwheat Production West of the Cascades
Publication Date: 12/18/2023
Naturally gluten-free, buckwheat has a variety of culinary uses regionally and internationally. Learn about market opportunities, how to establish a strong stand, and the best management and...
Photo Monitoring for Ranchers Field Guide
Publication Date: 12/31/2014
This condensed version of PNW 671, Photo Monitoring for Ranchers Technical Guide , contains pointers and suggestions for photo monitoring. Side 2 serves as a photo board template. Author: Amanda...
Canning Seafood
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
$5 Learn how to can salmon, tuna, clams, crab, oysters, shrimp and other fish and how to be sure your canned seafood is safe to eat. Author and revised by Carolyn A. Raab, 1979, 2003, 2011. Revised...
Conservas de Vegetales
Publication Date: 12/31/2014
Guardar en conserva puede ser una forma estupenda de obtener el beneficio total de los vegetales de su jardín. Cuando se preparan correctamente, los alimentos retienen sus nutrientes y sabor. Si se...
Photo Monitoring for Ranchers Technical Guide
Publication Date: 12/31/2014
Get started with photo monitoring of rangelands with this eight-step guide covering equipment, photo timing, site selection and identification, photography and photo boards, field notes and photo...
Canning Fruits
Publication Date: 12/31/2011
$1.50 This publication explains how to ensure both safety and quality when canning fresh fruits. Details covered include selecting and preparing equipment; preparing apples, apricots, berries,...
Propagation of Plants from Specialized Structures
Publication Date: 12/31/2009
Most plants reproduce from seed, but some — especially those that produce specialized stems, roots and leaves — grow or multiply from their own parts. Potato tubers or rooted runners generated by...
Feeding Meat-type Chickens
Publication Date: 12/31/2013
Guidelines for feeding small flocks of meat-type chickens. Including a discussion of standard versus organic feeds, mixing feeds at home and alternatives to traditional ingredients. This...
Canning Vegetables
Publication Date: 12/31/2010
$2 Canning is a great way to preserve your garden vegetables. When canned properly, vegetables will retain their nutrients and flavor. Canned improperly, they can kill, sicken or be poor in quality.
Blueberry Cultivars for the Pacific Northwest
Publication Date: 12/31/2013
This publication describes blueberry cultivars, including northern highbush, southern highbush, rabbiteye, lowbush and half-high types. It includes information on commercial value and identifies...
Scotch Thistle
Publication Date: 12/31/2002
Scotch thistle is a noxious regional weed that was introduced to the United States in the 1800s as an ornamental plant from the Mediterranean region. At its worst, it forms dense, virtually...
Scheduling Irrigation with a Pressure Chamber (Part 2)
Publication Date: 6/30/2018
Step by step instruction on how to use a pressure chamber as a tool to help you schedule irrigation in wine grape vineyards. Alexander Levin walks through the steps of using a pressure chamber to...
Fruit Pie Fillings for Home Canning
Publication Date: 3/29/2021
Learn how to make home-canned peaches, berries, cherries and apples for use in pies, sauces or other desserts in this four-color publication. Along with guidelines for what thickeners to use and...
Western Roots: Diving into a sagebrush sea of diversity
Publication Date: 7/31/2018
What may appear at first glance as a sea of sagebrush is in reality a complex and diverse ecosystem with a wide variety of plants and animals. The sagebrush steppe teems with life, but threats such...
Raspberry Cultivars for the Pacific Northwest
Publication Date: 12/31/2013
Did you know that raspberries come in four different colors (red, yellow, black and purple) though there are only two main types? Learn about that and more in this 11-page PNW publication,...
Judging Sheep and Oral Reasons 101
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
This publication will help youth and beginning sheep producers to understand the four basic criteria for selecting a sheep animal. It will also help beginners in 4-H and FFA livestock judging to...
Buenas prácticas en el campo para trabajadores agrícolas
Publication Date: 10/1/2022
Los trabajadores agrícolas, productores, and propietarios de frutas y hortalizas deben estar bien entrenadas en practicas que promuevan la salud y la higiene. Este manual bilingüe le ayuda a usted...
Freezing Convenience Foods
Publication Date: 12/31/2001
$2.50 Learn all about freezing foods that you have prepared at home, including cakes; pies; meat, fish, poultry and pasta dishes; soups, meals in a bag; and vegetable dishes. Find out which items...
Pea Shoots
Publication Date: 2/28/2018
Pea shoots, the young, tender vine tips of garden peas, are increasingly found in high-end restaurants; learn to successfully grow this delicacy. Authors: Carol Miles, Justin O'Dea, Catherine...
Propagation of Plants by Grafting and Budding
Publication Date: 12/31/2010
This handbook is well illustrated with clear photographs and drawings. It covers terms used in budding and grafting, tools and materials, grafting and budding factors, kinds of grafts, budding...
Credit Cents Curriculum
Publication Date: 12/31/2006
$45 Credit Cents was developed for educators who teach personal finance, consumer education or life skills to adults and teens. The curriculum covers credit basics, credit scores, how to take...
Recetas de Salsa para Guardar en Conserva
Publication Date: 12/31/2013
Esta famosa publicación ha sido actualizada con 5 nuevas recetas de salsa fáciles y sabrosas con suficientes variaciones aprobadas como para complacer hasta a los más exigentes preparadores de salsa.
The Science of Chocolate: Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth
Publication Date: 9/21/2023
Making confections can be a yummy and fun educational experience for children. But for everyone to get the most out of it, you need patience and scientific knowledge. Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth, a...
4-H Create Art Now
Publication Date: 3/1/2023
$32 4-H Create Art Now is a 100 plus-page adult helper’s guide to teaching youth (primarily grades 4-8) about creating art — drawing, painting and sculpting — and entrepreneurial strategies.
Scouting for Two Spotted Spider Mites in Sugar Beets
Publication Date: 8/15/2023
Spider mite infestations have become more prevalent in sugar beets in the Pacific Northwest over the past decade. The earlier you spot one of these insects in your field, the earlier you can...
Tobacco and Vaping Prevention Lesson
Publication Date: 4/1/2023
Since more young Idahoans are vaping (one-fifth have at least tried it), prevention is key. Using a Do, Reflect, Apply model, this 30-minute 4-H curriculum provides activities to help children...
Rangeland Outreach Activities Manual: Coaches' Edition
Publication Date: 7/20/2021
This guide was designed to help facilitators to prepare 4-H youth for the Idaho Rangeland Skill-a-thon event. This event is a hands-on, outdoor, science event designed to teach youth and adults...
Understanding International Trade: The Basic Ideas
Publication Date: 11/18/2021
Welcome to the video series, Understanding International Trade: The Basic Ideas. This video provides a brief overview and introduction to the video series. International trade affects both...
IDAH2O Playing Cards - Cleaner. Water. Faster.
Publication Date: 9/30/2016
$3 For grades K-12, this complete deck of playing cards includes grade-specific mini-lessons on watershed science topics in Idaho. Use them in classrooms and out-of-school settings. For more...
Rangeland Outreach Activities Manual
Publication Date: 7/20/2021
This guide was designed to prepare 4-H youth for the Idaho Rangeland Skill-a-thon event. This event is a hands-on, outdoor, science event designed to teach youth and adults about the vast rangeland...
Introduction to Clean Water Video Series
Publication Date: 3/31/2018
Want to learn about how you can protect clean water in our lakes, streams and aquifers? This University of Idaho Extension video introduces ways to protect clean water and includes information on...
Healthy Diabetes Plate, 2d edition (38 MB download)
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
This curriculum trains adults with type 2 diabetes in a simple visual method for planning healthy meals. Who can benefit from using the Healthy Diabetes Plate Method? The curriculum is mainly for...
Bio-swales for Natural Stormwater Treatment
Publication Date: 8/31/2018
Stormwater runoff carries lots of pollution from roads, parking lots and other impervious surfaces in urbanized areas. Bioinfiltration swales offer a natural stormwater treatment solution in many...
The Dollar Game: Play scenarios to grow a local economy
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
Learn how a community builds wealth by playing the Dollar Game, a role-playing exercise for team or individual play. The six-round, nontraditional educational program, which can be incorporated...
Getting Ready for the Fair: Clipping Beef Cattle
Publication Date: 6/5/2023
Clipping a steer not only helps the animal regulate its temperature more efficiently, it improves its appearance for showtime or auction. But it’s a learned skill that takes a lot of practice. This...
Feed Your Kids a Rainbow: Banana Blueberry Bean Smoothie
Publication Date: 3/1/2023
Eating a rainbow of foods each day is not only healthy for you, it’s delicious. Inspired by the Long Live Idaho campaign message, “Feed Your Kids a Rainbow,” this nine-minute video shows how easy...
Retirement Ready?
Publication Date: 12/31/2009
$45 This retirement-planning CD-ROM curriculum helps midlife and older adults manage the financial and the nonfinancial aspects of their approaching retirements. The comprehensive curriculum...
Highway Districts Protecting Clean Water
Publication Date: 8/31/2018
Stormwater runoff carries lots of pollution from roads, including tire wear dust, drips of oil and other fluids, and plastic trash that's tossed aside. But Idaho's Kootenai County regional highway...
Gold Standard of Customer Relations
Publication Date: 12/31/2011
This curriculum for small-business managers and their employees brings a unique approach to customer service based on research into effective customer-business interactions. It frames customer...
Bull Thistle: Identification and Control
Publication Date: 6/17/2020
Bull thistle is a biennial, which means it typically takes two growing seasons to complete its life cycle. This video will introduce you to the life cycle of Bull thistle, how to identify it,...
The Science of Sugar: Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth
Publication Date: 6/5/2024
Making confections can be a yummy and fun educational experience for children. But for everyone to get the most out of it, you need patience and scientific knowledge. Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth, a...
Roasted Winter Vegetables
Publication Date: 7/7/2020
Vegetables provide many amazing health benefits and all of us could benefit from including more vegetables in our diets. University of Idaho Extension Educator Julie Buck demonstrates how to make...
Master Water Stewards Intro and Welcome Video
Publication Date: 10/20/2021
This short video welcomes and introduces participants to the IDAH2O Master Water Stewards online version of the classroom portion of the certification workshop. Author, producer: Jim Ekins 3:06
Cranberry Orange Upside Down Spice Cake
Publication Date: 7/7/2020
In this video, University of Idaho Extension Educator Laura Sant demonstrates how to make cranberry orange upside down spice cake. Including fruit in desserts is a great way to infuse some healthy...
Hardwoods 101: Planning, Planting and Maintenance
Publication Date: 1/31/2007
Whether you are planning one hardwood tree in your yard or planning to establish a plantation with hundreds of trees, there are some basic planning, planting and maintenance activities that will...
American Chestnut
Publication Date: 12/31/2006
Whether you are planning one American chestnut in your yard or planning to establish a plantation with hundreds of trees, there are some basic planning, planting and maintenance activities you...
Black Cherry
Publication Date: 12/31/2006
Whether you are planning one black cherry tree in your yard or planning to establish a plantation with hundreds of trees, there are some basic planning, planting and maintenance activities you...
Growing Small-Fruit Crops in Short-Season Gardens
Publication Date: 5/4/2009
Choosing hardy and early maturing small-fruit varieties is critical to gardening success as is using proper maintenance techniques. Part of the Short-Season, High-Altitude Gardening series, this...
2012 Small Grain and Grain Legume Report
Publication Date: 12/31/2013
Summarizes the performance of winter wheat, spring wheat, winter barley, spring barley, dry pea, lentil and chickpea cultivars tested in trials conducted at eight test sites in Lewis, Nez Perce,...
Black Walnut
Publication Date: 12/31/2006
Black Walnut is one of the most-highly prized North American hardwoods. A tasty nut crop and aesthetically pleasing characteristics make black walnut an attractive choice for Idaho landowners with...
Publication Date: 1/31/2007
Royal Paulownia has very special physical and cultural needs. But with the right site and cultural practices, paulownia could be a successful alternative tree crop for Idaho private landowners.
Carpathian Walnut
Publication Date: 1/31/2007
Carpathian Walnut is known for its outstanding nut qualities and fine wood and aesthetic characteristics. Whether you are planning one tree in your yard or planning to establish a plantation with...
Sugar Maple
Publication Date: 12/31/2006
Maple syrup and brilliant fall colors; that's what sugar maples are best known for. With the right site choice and management, you too can grow sugar maples and reap the many benefits of this...
Idaho Private Rangeland Grazing — Lease Arrangements
Publication Date: 12/31/2013
Although the USDA publishes lease rates for grazing on private rangelands in Idaho, little it known about the leasing details, services provided by landowners or other critical factors that...
Publication Date: 12/31/2006
Excellent wood qualities, adaptability to a wide range of growing conditions, superb wildlife value and vivid fall coloration all make Oaks an attractive selection for alternative tree crops for...
Centrocoris volxemi—A Newly Introduced Idaho Insect
Publication Date: 11/1/2022
Centrocoris volxemi is an introduced non-native true bug (insects with piercing-sucking mouthparts) that has been expanding its known range in the United States since 2020 and Idaho the year after.
Idaho 4-H Volunteer Manual
Publication Date: 3/14/2021
Containing material from in-state and out-of-state 4-H resources, this 32-page handbook provides the basics for 4-H adult volunteers who want to supervise youth-based activities in Idaho. Along...
Idaho Pesticide Applicator Training Manual
Publication Date: 12/31/2018
This is the manual for statewide pesticide handlers' training in Idaho. This book is intended to help readers understand federal and state pesticide laws and regulations, good environmental...
Potato Production Systems (softcover)
Publication Date: 12/31/2002
Originally $89.95, now $5 . (While supplies last.) Experts in all phases of potato production collaborated on this comprehensive potato production manual. With information for anyone associated...
Answers to Common Questions about Greenhouse Gases
Publication Date: 6/1/2022
Because climate change is one of the most urgent issues of our time, meaningful public discourse about it requires a basic understanding of the types of greenhouse gases (GHGs) involved, where they...
Major Wood Decays in the Inland Northwest
Publication Date: 12/31/1973
$5.95 Describes examples of wood decay compiled from herbarium, laboratory and field specimens. Descriptions, photographs and keys help readers identify types of decay in lay terms. A glossary...
Dutch Oven Cooking: Helper's Guide
Publication Date: 10/2/2019
Dutch oven cooking is a special activity that can be enjoyed by all. The fun comes not only from eating, but also on the way to the finished product. This project was written for those who love...
Dutch Oven Cooking: Project Manual Unit 2
Publication Date: 10/2/2019
Dutch oven cooking is a special activity that can be enjoyed by all. The fun comes not only from eating, but also on the way to the finished product. This project was written for those who love...
Know Your Herbicide-Resistant Weeds
Publication Date: 4/15/2021
$1.50 The number of herbicide-resistant weeds continues to increase in the United States. This is a huge concern for farmers, since weeds compete with crops for nutrients in the soil, potentially...
2016 Dryland Field Day Abstracts
Publication Date: 3/31/2016
This publication is a compilation of the 2016 abstracts from dryland field days for Washington State University Extension, University of Idaho Extension and Oregon State University Extension.
Verticillium Wilt of Trees in Idaho
Publication Date: 3/1/2023
Verticillium wilt is a devastating soilborne disease to over three hundred plants worldwide, including trees, shrubs, fruits and vegetables. Given the fungi’s wide range, whose infection in trees...
Diagnosing and Managing Rhizoctonia in Idaho Bean Crops
Publication Date: 3/1/2023
Rhizoctonia root rot is an important bean disease in southern Idaho crops that has caused from 30% to 100% yield loss, depending on the degree of severity. The culprit is a soilborne fungus,...
Indoor Container Garden (SEED)
Publication Date: 2/1/2023
The indoor container garden — SEED program provides youth with an experiential hands-on learning environment about gardening. This tool kit provides you all the basics, including a list of program...
Phytophthora Bleeding Canker of Maple Trees
Publication Date: 3/1/2023
Bleeding canker has recently been observed on mature maple trees in southern Idaho. The causal agent is Phytophthora cactorum, a plant pathogen capable of infecting over 200 tree species. Given its...
Impact of Freezing Temperatures on Potato Tubers
Publication Date: 5/3/2024
Although relatively uncommon in Idaho’s climate, freezing conditions occasionally occur during harvest while potatoes are still in the ground. Learn how to manage these conditions more effectively...
Powdery Scab of Potato
Publication Date: 7/1/2022
Powdery scab is a formidable and damaging fungus-like pathogen that damages potatoes worldwide. It causes gall formation on roots as well as lesions on the tubers, which reduce potato quality as...
Growing Tree Fruits in Short-Season Gardens
Publication Date: 4/6/2009
Producing your own backyard tree fruit in Idaho's harsher climates can be difficult, but it isn't impossible. There are many types of apples, apricots, cherries, pears and plums that you can...
Agriculture: A Foundation for Idaho's Economy
Agriculture is the foundation of Idaho’s economy. This poster attractively depicts the signature industry’s economic contribution in 2017, most prominently the total market value of all...
Take-All Disease of Wheat in Idaho
Publication Date: 7/1/2022
Take-all is a highly destructive fungal disease of cereals whose ability to infect multiple plant parts often results in a crop’s complete destruction. Mainly found in wheat, barley, rye and...
2020 Southern Idaho Soft White Spring Wheat Quick Facts
Publication Date: 11/30/2020
This two-page fact sheet offers recommendations for growing soft white spring wheat in southern Idaho, with pointers or information on growth and development, rotation and seeding, fertilization,...
Quick Facts: Idaho Beans
Publication Date: 8/30/2020
This two-page fact sheet offers recommendations for growing dry beans in southern Idaho, with pointers on soil sampling and testing, fertilization, irrigation and insect, weed and disease control.
Storage Management for Umatilla Russet Potatoes
Publication Date: 1/2/2003
Umatilla Russet is a potato cultivar that was developed in 1998 for the frozen processing market. Based on three years of research trials conducted at the University of Idaho Kimberly Research and...
2011 Small Grain and Grain Legume Report
Publication Date: 12/31/2011
From the Idaho Small Grain and Grain Legume Research and Extension Program at the University of Idaho comes this summary of the performance of winter wheat, spring wheat, spring barley, spring pea,...
Integrated Pest Management of Pea Weevil in Peas
Publication Date: 7/28/2023
Insect and disease pests are prevalent in both residential and commercial food production settings, meaning that a large number of Idahoans contend with them each year. Part of an integrated pest...
Managing Price Risks Using Grain Contracts
Publication Date: 8/28/2023
Managing price risks in commodity markets is a complex task. Indeed, grain producers must think globally, which is always a challenge. Sharpen your marketing strategies by learning the basic...
2009 Small Grains Report
Publication Date: 12/31/2009
The annual report of the southcentral and southeastern Idaho cereals research and extension program provides 2009 agronomic data for hard and soft white winter wheats; hard and soft white spring...
2023 Small Grains Report
Publication Date: 1/29/2024
Packed with tons of agronomic data, disease ratings and end-use quality data — interspersed with reports about planting and weather conditions, insect and diseases issues and more. This 146-page...
Blossom-End Rot in Tomatoes
Publication Date: 1/13/2021
Any gardener gets discouraged when they see a dark, leathery patch develop on the bottom end of their vine-ripened tomatoes. The blemish indicates blossom-end rot, a calcium-deficiency disorder...
Double-Cropped Winter Forages
Publication Date: 7/7/2009
Double cropping winter forages with corn silage increases total forage available to livestock operations while also removing more phosphorus from the soil. This 13-page bulletin with 14 figures...
2007 North-Central Idaho Crop Management Trials
Publication Date: 12/31/2007
Summarizes field agronomic performance evaluations conducted in northern Idaho during 2007, including a demonstration trial of safflower yield, an herbicide response study with Clearfield wheat, an...
Changing Idaho Feed Crop Supply and Demand—Implications
Publication Date: 11/7/2023
The number of animals in concentrated animal feeding operations has increased since the early 1990s. The upsurge has influenced the supply and demand for crops used as feed, like alfalfa hay,...
Growing Western Huckleberries
Publication Date: 12/1/1999
$3 From a leading huckleberry expert comes the information you need to start your own attempts at growing huckleberries at home or for market. This publication covers plant and growing site...
Growing Apples for Local Markets in Cold Climates
Publication Date: 2/1/2000
Offers the basics for getting started in a small scale commercial apple orchard, including sections on rootstocks, apple varieties, training and pruning, winter protection, fertility and...
Integrated Pest Management of Cutworms
Publication Date: 11/8/2023
Insect and disease pests are prevalent in both residential and commercial food production settings, meaning that a large number of Idahoans contend with them each year. Part of an integrated pest...
Southern Idaho Dryland Winter Wheat Production Guide
Publication Date: 1/2/2004
Wheat is an important crop throughout Idaho, especially in the dryland cropping areas of southern Idaho. However, the region's rolling landscape with high-wind and water-erosion potential plus low...
Economics of Yellow Mustard in the Pacific Northwest
Publication Date: 6/1/2000
This publication addresses the economic feasibility of producing mustard in the Pacific Northwest. Specific topics reviewed include yield potential, supply and demand considerations, markets and...
Northern Idaho Alfalfa Variety Testing Report
Publication Date: 9/30/2018
Thirty-three varieties of alfalfa were field-tested in University of Idaho Extension variety trials conducted in northern Idaho during 2013–2016 crop seasons. The variety trials were located in...
Landscaping with Native Plants
Publication Date: 4/6/2009
Cultivate healthier soils and more resilient plants on your Idaho property by using plants native to the Intermountain West in your landscape design. This extensive bulletin, with astute insights...
Southern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Sugar Beets
Publication Date: 7/31/2019
Sugar beets are one of the major raw materials for sugar manufactured in the United States. Sugar beet profits are based on three key factors: beet yield, sucrose content and sucrose recovery...
Potato Seed Certification and Selection in Idaho
Publication Date: 9/26/2022
The selection of high-quality seed potatoes is essential to produce a profitable commercial potato crop. This publication explains the steps you need to take do to get your seed potato certified,...
Idaho Agricultural Global Exports, 2018
Publication Date: 9/25/2019
In 2017, Idaho's foreign exports totaled almost $3.9 billion. The second-largest category of exports was food and agricultural products, which contributed 22% of Idaho's total exports. This...
Shelf Life of Food: An Overview
Publication Date: 5/27/2024
Food safety is critical, yet surprisingly regulatory bodies do not require shelf-life testing for most products (infant formula being an exception). This bulletin provides all the basics that...
Improving Weed Control in Dry Bean Using Narrow Planting
Publication Date: 8/5/2020
Season-long control of weeds is an important goal when growing dry beans. Hairy nightshade, lambsquarters, redroot pigweed and green foxtail in particular harm bean yields in southern Idaho. This...
Your Rights and Responsibilities: Notario Fraud
Publication Date: 4/22/2020
Part of the Your Rights and Responsibilities series, this three-page fact sheet provides basic information about notario fraud, a common immigration scam. Along with a rundown about how it may...
Agronomics of Leasing Fields for Potato Production
Publication Date: 1/1/2023
Leasing or renting fields for potato production may make it easier for growers to either start an agricultural career or expand one but be forewarned: gather as much background information as you...
Targeted Tank Mixtures for Weed Control in Potatoes
Publication Date: 4/7/2022
Managing weeds in potato fields with an integrated approach — using all available cultural, mechanical, chemical and biological tools — is more effective than relying on any single weed-control...
Margin Protection Crop Insurance for Idaho Corn Growers
Publication Date: 10/19/2023
Margin protection is an area-based insurance plan that protects producers from a decline in operating margins due to high input costs, low county yield, low commodity prices or any combination.
Tips for Entrepreneurs: Liability in E-Commerce
Publication Date: 2/29/2024
Part of the Tips for Entrepreneurs series, this three-page fact sheet provides information about liability in e-commerce. In addition to providing tips about four types of product liability issues,...
Speak up with Confidence: Nine Tips on Presenting
Publication Date: 11/5/2012
Youth and adults who learn to speak effectively in public gain an important leadership tool. This publication will help you to develop that asset. Nine double-sided tip sheets cover nine topics...
Practical Coping Skills for Managing Stress
Publication Date: 7/28/2023
Stress is inevitable—it’s a natural part of life. Because everyone experiences it at some point in time, it’s important to know how to work with it in healthy ways. This three-page bulletin shows...
Quick Facts: Idaho Sugar Beets
Publication Date: 10/25/2021
This compact fact sheet summarizes recommendations for growing sugar beets in Idaho, with pointers or information on soil sampling/testing, fertilization, irrigation, tillage, cropping history, and...
Hardy Roses for Harsh Climates
Publication Date: 12/7/2009
Love roses but live in a cold, high-elevation Idaho location? Don't worry. You can still grow many beautiful kinds of the national flower. Stephen L. Love studied dozens of rose varieties for their...
Dutch Oven Cooking: Project Manual Unit 1
Publication Date: 10/2/2019
Dutch oven cooking is a special activity that can be enjoyed by all. The fun comes not only from eating, but also on the way to the finished product. This project was written for those who love...
Planning Water Access for Small-Acreage Irrigators
Publication Date: 11/7/2023
Small acreage landscapes pose unique water-access problems, particularly when they are subdivisions of a larger-acreage property. Improve your navigation of these challenges by learning the basics...
Broadleaf Plantain (Plantago major L.)
Publication Date: 10/4/2021
Broadleaf plantain is a hardy perennial weed that thrives in lawns, fields and roadsides and in other areas prone to trampling. Along with a profile description, this Idaho Green Thumb How-To's...
Curlycup Gumweed
Publication Date: 1/23/2022
Curlycup gumweed ( Grindelia squarrosa ) (Pursh) Dunal is native to North America except in the southeastern United States. This forb (herbaceous broadleaf plant) is commonly found along roadsides,...
Vermicomposting at Home
Publication Date: 9/27/2020
Vermicomposting relies on worms to produce nutrient-dense vermicast from recycled organic food waste and other natural materials. The project takes up very little space, making it a convenient and...
Return of the Giants
Publication Date: 12/31/2000
$5 Western white pines, Idaho's state tree, used to be forest giants of the Inland Northwest, but no longer. By discussing white pine ecology, recounting the tree's demise in the Northwest and...
Planning and Planting a Five-Row Windbreak
Publication Date: 2/28/2010
A properly designed and maintained windbreak provides many benefits to you and the environment including home energy conservation, improved crop yields, snow drift control and more. Read about...
Monitoring Populations of Sage-Grouse
Publication Date: 10/31/2007
Proceedings of a symposium at Idaho State University hosted by University of Idaho and Idaho State University. Discusses the importance of monitoring populations of animal species. The greater...
2018 Dryland Field Day Abstracts
Publication Date: 4/30/2018
This publication is a compilation of the 2018 abstracts from dryland field days for Washington State University Extension, University of Idaho Extension and Oregon State University Extension.
2019 Dryland Field Day Abstracts
Publication Date: 3/31/2019
This publication is a compilation of the 2019 abstracts from dryland field days for Washington State University Extension, University of Idaho Extension and Oregon State University Extension.
2017 Dryland Field Day Abstracts
Publication Date: 4/30/2017
This publication is a compilation of the 2017 abstracts from dryland field days for Washington State University Extension, University of Idaho Extension and Oregon State University Extension.
A Field Guide to Grasses and Grass-Like Plants of Idaho
Publication Date: 8/31/2018
$29.95 Grasses and grass-like plants are key to the productivity, function and diversity of Idaho's rangelands, wetlands and forests. Learn to identify almost 100 plant species and understand the...
Backpack Guide to Idaho Range Plants
Publication Date: 8/31/2012
$19.95 The landscapes of Idaho's vast rangelands are rich with diverse plant life that can intrigue the curious explorer and observant naturalist. This full-color guide is the ideal tool for...
Integrated Pest Management of Pea Leaf Weevil in Legumes
Publication Date: 8/22/2023
Insect and disease pests are prevalent in both residential and commercial food production settings, meaning that a large number of Idahoans contend with them each year. Part of an integrated pest...
Reporting Child Abuse: Care Enough to Call
Publication Date: 12/31/2005
$19.95 According to the National Children's Alliance, nearly 700,000 children are abused each year. Because of its unfortunate prevalence, reportage is crucial. Secure the help children deserve by...
Forest Water Quality
Publication Date: 12/31/2014
$0.00 A companion to the book Idaho Forestry Best Management Practices Field Guide , the video contains two parts. Part 1 describes how water moves through the forest, how our forest activities can...
Growing Tomatoes in Cool, Short-Season Locations
Publication Date: 3/2/2009
Part of the short-season, high-altitude gardening series, this publication provides tips and strategies for growing tomatoes in harsh climates. Authors: Michael Bauer, Danny L. Barney, Jo Ann...
Wild Trees of Idaho
Publication Date: 12/31/1994
Idaho is a tree state, where even along streams, in clefts in rocks, along irrigation ditches and in a variety of other special habitats they thrive. This 200 plus-page book is about wild trees'...
Idaho Spring Barley Production Guide
Publication Date: 8/4/2003
Barley is one of Idaho’s most important crops. Although its harvested acreage has decreased in the past twenty years, the state is still the nation’s top barley producer. Published in 2003, this...
Storage Management of Mountain Gem Russet Potatoes
Publication Date: 5/31/2019
One reason Idaho potato acreage devoted to the Russet Burbank has declined in recent years is because of the development of new cultivars, including Gem Russet. Based on three years of research...
Integrated Pest Management of Armyworms
Publication Date: 11/8/2023
Insect and disease pests are prevalent in both residential and commercial food production settings, meaning that a large number of Idahoans contend with them each year. Part of an integrated pest...
Economic Impact of Snowmobiling in Valley County
Publication Date: 7/3/2006
Results of a survey document how much money snowmobiling brings into Valley County on both a good-snow and poor-snow year. It also examines impacts of three scenarios in this county, considered one...
Idaho Forage Handbook (third edition)
Publication Date: 1/1/2005
This comprehensive information source for anyone who grows forage in Idaho or neighboring states covers topics from species and variety selection to pest control to harvest management, hay storage...
BQA: Proper Euthanasia for Cattle
Publication Date: 10/31/2018
Termination of an animal's life should be taken seriously and done in the most humane manner possible. This brief publication discusses making euthanasia decisions, methods of proper euthanasia and...
2020 Southern Idaho Hard Winter Wheat Quick Facts
Publication Date: 11/30/2020
This two-page fact sheet offers recommendations for growing hard winter wheat in southern Idaho, with pointers or information on growth and development, rotation and seeding, fertilization,...
The Economic Feasibility of Growing Wine Grapes in Idaho
Publication Date: 6/3/2002
Presents wine grape enterprise budgets for a typical Idaho vineyard and a current economic analysis of growing wine grapes in Idaho. The analysis indicates the typical vineyard would break even in...
Predicting Alfalfa Forage Quality in Southern Idaho
Publication Date: 3/3/2022
So that growers can meet certain goals or marketing criteria, it's important to know how to determine the quality of alfalfa hay. Indeed, producers who raise dairy quality hay can expect higher...
Portable Test Kits for Diagnosing Potato Diseases
Publication Date: 4/8/2013
University of Idaho scientists evaluated commercially available portable test kits for diagnosing potato diseases, finding them generally accurate and easy to use. This publication discusses the...
Contribution of Agribusiness to the Idaho Economy, 2011
Publication Date: 7/7/2014
In 2011, Idaho agribusiness contributed $24 billion (20%) of total Idaho sales, over $8.3 billion (14%) of the state's GSP and over 123,000 (14%) Idaho jobs, according to a base analysis that takes...
Business Management Guide for Grazers
Publication Date: 3/3/2014
Describes the management process for management-intensive grazing (MiG) as a series of three recurring operations: strategic, tactical and operational. Provides sample enterprise budgets and...
2020 Southern Idaho Soft White Winter Wheat Quick Facts
Publication Date: 11/30/2020
This two-page fact sheet offers recommendations for growing soft white winter wheat in southern Idaho, with pointers or information on growth and development, rotation and seeding, fertilization,...
Kentucky Bluegrass Production
Publication Date: 1/4/2005
Eliminating burning in the production of Kentucky bluegrass seed to alleviate public health concerns will greatly impact production of this crop, 90 percent of which is produced in Idaho,...
Property Rights: A Primer
Publication Date: 9/3/2001
Owning property is a fundamental right, yet many Americans do not understand the intricacies of those rights. Learn some of the basic issues from nine property rights experts from around the...
Soil-Testing Procedures for Southern Idaho Soils
Publication Date: 6/22/2020
Crops require seventeen nutrients to thrive. To make sure your soil is providing them, soil sampling and testing are critical. This bulletin provides a brief overview of both by discussing how...
BQA: Cattle Processing and Injection Site Management
Publication Date: 10/31/2018
Successful beef producers know that beef quality assurance requires keeping cattle healthy throughout their lives. Since cattle can get sick, preventing and treating disease means processing cattle...
BQA: Components of Superior Cattle Handling Facilities
Publication Date: 10/31/2018
Well-designed and effectively run cattle-handling facilities help to decrease cattle injury, illness and death; ensure high-quality beef; and improve consumer perceptions of the beef cattle industry.
Storage Management of Dakota Russet Potatoes
Publication Date: 2/13/2024
Dakota Russet is a multipurpose and popular potato cultivar whose Pacific Northwest acreage has expanded in recent years. With increased yields comes larger storage volumes. Based on the results of...
Uniform Plant Stand Is Key to Crop Yield and Quality
Publication Date: 10/31/2019
Because it affects all aspects of crop production, uniform stand establishment is vital for healthy crop production. Learn about the factors that enable growers to realize this important objective,...
Tips for Native American Entrepreneurs: Business Formation
Publication Date: 8/1/2022
Part of the Tips for Native American Entrepreneurs series, this three-page fact sheet provides information about how to choose the correct business structure for your enterprise. Learn the the four...
Author(s): Randy Reed, Christy Dearien, John Rumel, and Paul Lewin
Cover Crops for High-Desert Farming Systems in Idaho
Publication Date: 4/7/2014
This guide presents optimal cover crops for high-desert farming systems in the intermountain West under irrigated or low-moisture conditions. Species included were selected for cold hardiness,...
Livestock Care for Beginning and Small-Scale Producers
Publication Date: 6/30/2021
Owning and caring for livestock involves a lot of responsibility and exposes producers to a steep (and fast) learning curve, especially for those just starting out and/or who run small-scale...
BQA: Record Keeping
Publication Date: 10/31/2018
Keeping accurate records on a consistent basis is important for maintaining beef quality assurance and a healthy herd, and to protect a beef operation from litigation regarding drug residue. This...
Cover Crops for Grazing Use in Idaho
Publication Date: 4/4/2016
This publication will help crop and livestock producers in Idaho or other high-desert systems to select, plant, and manage cover crop species and mixtures that can also serve as livestock forage.
Back to Basics: Hedging and Basis in Grain Marketing
Publication Date: 10/11/2023
Basis in grain marketing refers to the difference between cash and futures prices. Having a solid understanding of it and its seasonal patterns is crucial to any successful marketing plan. Learn...
Grasshopper Management in the Pacific Northwest
Publication Date: 7/13/2020
Grasshoppers are common plant-feeding insects in the Pacific Northwest but large numbers of them can devastate crops like alfalfa, cereals, corn, potatoes and grasses. This publication will help...
Wheat streak mosaic virus Management in Idaho Cereals
Publication Date: 11/7/2019
Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) is a serious disease that damages wheat production in Idaho. Transmitted by the wheat curl mite, WSMV infects winter and spring wheat and can also infect barley,...
Alfalfa Leafcutting Bee
Publication Date: 8/23/2023
The alfalfa leafcutting bee is a vital pollinator for multiple cropping systems, including alfalfa, canola, melons and carrots. This information card provides basic facts about and photographs of...
2020 Southern Idaho Hard Spring Wheat Quick Facts
Publication Date: 11/30/2020
This two-page fact sheet offers recommendations for growing hard spring wheat in southern Idaho, with pointers or information on growth and development, rotation and seeding, fertilization,...
2014 Farm Bill Crop Commodity Program Payments in Idaho
Publication Date: 6/29/2020
The 2014 Farm Bill initiated revenue support programs for crop farmers (ARC-CO, ARC-IC and PLC). This study determines whether or not the bill functioned as expected. It investigates how ARC-CO and...
Potato Mop-Top Virus: Biology and Disease Management
Publication Date: 6/1/2022
Potato mop-top causes dark, internal blemishes in potatoes. Because it is an emerging disease in the United States and no control measures yet exist, growers need to know the basic facts to...
Growing Food Safely in Idaho School Gardens
Publication Date: 9/15/2019
This guide is created for teachers, parents, volunteers, school administrators, food-service professionals and everyone else engaged in youth gardening projects in Idaho. It is meant to serve as a...
Field Corn Harvest Recommendations for Idaho
Publication Date: 3/4/2020
Field corn is infrequently discussed in Extension publications, even though Idaho farmers use the southern-grown crop for livestock feed. Grown along the Snake River Plain in southern Idaho, it's a...
Introduction to Short-Season Gardening in Idaho
Publication Date: 4/6/2009
Part of the short-season, high-elevation gardening series, this publication describes Idaho's three short-season climates (high desert; cool, moist locations typical of the Idaho panhandle; and...
Nuez Blanca
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
Una mala hierba venenosa 'nociva,' la nuez blanca crece rápidamente y puede sofocar y matar a los árboles pequeños y arbustos. Aprenda sus características y cómo identificarla y controlarla en este...
Empiece las Semillas Adentro con Éxito
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
Empezando las semillas adentro comienza con la programación para asegurar que sus trasplantes están listos para irse para afuera cuando el jardín está listo para recibirlos. Esta hoja de datos...
Monitoring Tools for a Potato Bruise Prevention Program
Publication Date: 6/18/2020
Potato bruising is costly. It lowers the quality of a crop, leading to customer rejections or direct waste. It's thus critical to quickly identify what is causing the injuries in your operation.
Boxelder Bug: Nuisance Management for Homeowners
Publication Date: 12/31/2007
Although not particularly harmful, these insects can be aggravating when they wander indoors to spend the winter. Learn about the insect's seasonal biology, landscape features that increase pest...
Field Guide to Potato Pests in English and Spanish
Publication Date: 9/2/2008
$5 This 130-page pocket-sized manual helps potato field workers scout for common diseases, insects and weeds which can impact potato yields. Scouting is an important part of Integrated Pest...
Storage Management of A93157-6LS Potatoes
Publication Date: 12/31/2006
A93157-6LS (6LS) is a 2006 multipurpose, mid- to late-maturing potato variety that has very high resistance to cold sweetening in storage. Based on three years of storage research at the University...
Watering Home Lawns: How Much and How Often
Publication Date: 12/31/2008
Watering a lawn properly is more complicated than most homeowners realize. Avoid underwatering or overwatering your lawn by using a five-step method that takes into account soil texture,...
How To Prune Coniferous Evergreen Trees
Publication Date: 4/1/1985
Evergreen shade trees are beautiful features in many Idaho cities and towns. Yet they can become ill or a hazard without regular care. This classic Extension bulletin provides helpful diagrams,...
Core Aeration of Lawns—Benefits and Procedures
Publication Date: 1/31/2020
Two issues that commonly reduce the health and attractive appearance of a lawn are soil compaction and the development of a thick thatch layer. Core aeration offers a solution. In this Idaho Green...
Managing Elm Seed Bugs around Your Home
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
The elm seed bug (Arocatus melanocephalus) in Idaho invades homes in July and August from surrounding landscapes where elm trees grow. Posing no direct threat to plants or people, they can still...
Spring Vegetable Planting Guide for Idaho
Publication Date: 3/31/2020
Idaho's diverse climate makes it a challenging place to grow vegetables, so if you're planning to start a vegetable garden this spring, this planting guide is for you. It provides basic, crucial...
Integrated Pest Management of Aphids in Cereals
Publication Date: 7/6/2023
Insect and disease pests are prevalent in both residential and commercial food production settings, meaning that a large number of Idahoans contend with them each year. Part of an integrated pest...
Northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Bluegrass Seed
Publication Date: 5/4/2015
Fertilizer improves plant growth and productivity. An entry in the northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide series, this four-page publication offers fertilizer guidelines for nitrogen, phosphorus,...
Contributions of Agriculture to Idaho's Economy: 2006
Publication Date: 12/31/2007
Agriculture makes the biggest contribution to Idaho's economy, more than any other economic sector. This 12-page illustrated publication, intended for laymen and policy makers details the...
Weed Control and Potato Crop Safety with Metribuzin
Publication Date: 12/31/2011
Effective use of metribuzin, a triazinone herbicide for weed control in potato fields, has evolved since our last publication a decade ago. This twelve-page update provides recommendations for...
Ornamental Grasses for Idaho Landscapes
Publication Date: 12/31/2008
Ornamental grasses are becoming irreplaceable landscape elements in many parts of the United States and are increasingly popular in Idaho. This six-page publication lists the best grasses for...
Harvesting and Storing Fresh Garden Vegetables
Publication Date: 7/1/2003
Harvesting vegetables at the right stage of maturity and storing them properly helps ensure top taste, nutrition and storage life. This publication explains how, covering vegetables from asparagus...
Storage Management of Classic Russet Potatoes
Publication Date: 12/31/2008
Classic Russet is an early to midseason russet potato variety that is one of the most widely grown tubers in the United States. Based on three years of storage studies, this five-page publication...
Lawn Care in Short-Season, High-Altitude Zones
Publication Date: 10/4/2010
Curious about how to maintain a healthy lawn in Idaho's short-season, high-altitude climates? It's a bit more challenging to do than in other areas of the state. Learn how to navigate their...
Idaho Crop Profiles: Apples
Publication Date: 12/31/2000
This publication is an overview of commercial apple production including production regions, production practices, pest management, weeds and diseases. Information includes a description of the...
Management of White Pine Weevil in Spruce
Publication Date: 12/31/2005
In the West the white pine weevil, Pissodes strobi , almost exclusively attacks spruce rather than pine trees. Of major concern to homeowners, nurseries and landscape businesses, the weevil causes...
Cultural Management of Clearwater Russet Potatoes
Publication Date: 1/6/2021
The Clearwater Russet is a russet-skinned potato variety developed by the Pacific Northwest Variety Development Program that was released in 2008. Its excellent processing quality helped to...
Watering Home Lawns and Landscapes
Publication Date: 12/31/2002
Wise water use saves homeowners money, enhances property values and supports a watershed. This publication details the liabilities of incorrect watering and the benefits of proper irrigation by...
Getting the Most Feed Nutrient for the Dollar
Publication Date: 12/31/2012
This publication describes a process livestock producers should use to determine the value of a feed that will provide energy or protein to balance a forage-based ration. Authors: Glenn Shewmaker,...
IDAH2O Master Water Stewards Handbook
Publication Date: 1/7/2013
The official handbook for University of Idaho Extension's Master Water Stewards trained to conduct water quality monitoring in Idaho lakes and streams. The handbook explains the program and...
Southern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Irrigated Alfalfa
Publication Date: 12/31/2001
Fertilizer improves plant growth and productivity. An entry in the southern Idaho Fertilizer Guide series, this four-page publication offers fertilizer guidelines for nitrogen, phosphorus,...
Potato Irrigation Management
Publication Date: 1/1/1997
Efficient irrigation management can increase marketable yield while reducing production costs by conserving water, energy and nitrogen fertilizer and while reducing potential groundwater...
Karnal Bunt
Publication Date: 12/31/1996
Karnal bunt or partial bunt is a fungal disease of wheat, durum wheat, rye and triticale. This publication includes information on the history, impact, symptoms, disease cycle and control of karnal...
Northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Grass Pastures
Publication Date: 7/11/2005
Fertilizer improves plant growth and productivity. An entry in the northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide series, this three-page publication offers fertilizer guidelines for established grass pastures...
Composting at Home
Publication Date: 12/31/1996
$7 To order , please visit our online Marketplace: UI Extension Publications and Multimedia This compact user's guide promotes composting as a rewarding way to turn leaves, grass and food scraps...
Managing Bacterial Ring Rot of Potato
Publication Date: 6/1/2022
Bacterial ring rot, caused by the bacterium Clavibacter sepedonicus, is one of the most destructive potato diseases in the world. Because losses due to stored, decaying potatoes can be substantial,...
Northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Spring Barley
Publication Date: 7/9/2007
Fertilizer improves plant growth and productivity. An entry in the northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide series, this four-page publication offers fertilizer guidelines for nitrogen, phosphorus,...
Northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Winter Barley
Publication Date: 7/9/2007
Fertilizer improves plant growth and productivity. An entry in the northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide series, this four-page publication offers fertilizer guidelines for nitrogen, phosphorus,...
Northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Spring Canola
Publication Date: 7/11/2005
Fertilizer improves plant growth and productivity. An entry in the northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide series, this four-page publication offers fertilizer guidelines for nitrogen, phosphorus,...
Odor Control Practices for Northwest Dairies
Publication Date: 12/31/2007
Large confined dairy cow feeding operations have increased recently in the Pacific Northwest. They produce huge quantities of manure, odors from which can bring conflicts with neighbors. This...
Northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Lentils
Publication Date: 2/2/2015
Fertilizer improves plant growth and productivity. An entry in the northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide series, this four-page publication offers fertilizer guidelines for nitrogen, phosphorus,...
Bitterroot Soft White Winter Wheat
Publication Date: 12/31/2008
This four-page publication covers the history, description, agronomic performance, milling and baking quality, and disease reactions of this new variety of wheat. Authors: Juliet Windes, Chad...
Estimation of Wheat Yield and Grain Protein with Handlheld and UAV-Mounted Sensors
Publication Date: 9/1/2022
Wheat grain protein levels depend on efficient uptake of nitrogen (N) — without it, optimized wheat yields are not possible. Monitoring your field’s N uptake is thus crucial. Using crop sensors to...
Author(s): Olga Walsh, Juliet Marshall, Chad Jackson, Ritika Lamichhane, Emmanuella Owusu Ansah, Eva Nambi
Northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Spring Peas
Publication Date: 2/2/2015
Fertilizer improves plant growth and productivity. An entry in the northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide series, this four-page publication offers fertilizer guidelines for nitrogen, phosphorus,...
Understanding Budgets and the Budgeting Process
Publication Date: 12/31/1991
Budgeting is crucial to a business' success. This publication helps you navigate this often intimidating task by discussing the four budget types most commonly used by agricultural producers (whole...
Integrated Pest Management of Pea Aphids in Legumes
Publication Date: 6/26/2023
Insect and disease pests are prevalent in both residential and commercial food production settings, meaning that a large number of Idahoans contend with them each year. Part of an integrated pest...
Northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Oats
Publication Date: 7/9/2007
Fertilizer improves plant growth and productivity. An entry in the northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide series, this four-page publication offers fertilizer guidelines for nitrogen, phosphorus,...
Southern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Irrigated Alfalfa Seed
Publication Date: 12/31/2003
Fertilizer improves plant growth and productivity. An entry in the southern Idaho Fertilizer Guide series, this four-page publication examines the nutrient requirements of alfalfa produced for seed...
Public Attitudes about Water Quality in the HUA
Publication Date: 7/1/1999
The Idaho Snake-Payette Rivers Hydrologic Unit Area (HUA) Water Quality Project was one of 74 projects funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture implemented in the 1990s to protect and improve...
White Bryony
Publication Date: 12/31/2013
A poisonous noxious weed, white bryony grows rapidly and can smother and kill small trees and shrubs. Learn its characteristics and how to identify and control it in this profile of the viny member...
Northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Winter Wheat
Publication Date: 2/2/2015
Fertilizer improves plant growth and productivity. An entry in the northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide series, this four-page publication offers fertilizer guidelines for nitrogen, phosphorus,...
Managing Boxelder Bugs Around Your Home
Publication Date: 12/31/2013
A common nuisance pest in Idaho, boxelder bugs can become intolerably numerous. Learn their appearance, hosts and life cycle and ways you can manage them with and without insecticides. Authors:...
Northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Winter Rapeseed
Publication Date: 2/2/2015
Fertilizer improves plant growth and productivity. An entry in the northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide series, this four-page publication offers research-based fertilizer guidelines for nitrogen,...
4-H Poultry Showmanship Questions
Publication Date: 12/31/2013
Lists questions a 4-H member could be asked by the judge during a 4-H poultry showmanship competition. Questions are organized by level of difficulty (junior, intermediate and senior) and are...
Economic Contribution of Idaho Agribusiness
Publication Date: 1/11/2024
Agriculture is king in Idaho, accounting for a greater share of the state’s economy than in neighboring states and the United States as a whole. Read more about 2023’s performance in this economic...
Proper Sampling (Coring) of Hay Bales and Stacks
Publication Date: 12/31/2010
Bad nutrition diminishes any herd's productivity. Forage sampling is thus a key strategy that helps livestock producers to maintain or optimize their operation's output. This four-page bulletin...
Nutrient Management in Idaho Grape Production
Publication Date: 12/31/2008
This publication answers common questions posed by Idaho vine grape growers regarding soils and nutrients. Authors: Mir-M. Seyedbagheri, Tony McCammon, Esmaeil Fallahi 5 pages
Wasp and Hornet Control
Publication Date: 12/31/2014
If you're interested in learning how to recognize Idaho's stinging yellowjackets, bald-faced hornets and paper wasps, check out this helpful Idaho Green Thumb How-To. You'll also glean a brief...
Buying and Selling Hay on the Stump
Publication Date: 4/9/2020
This publication provides a five-step process and lists several online business tools that will empower buyers and sellers to successfully establish a fair price for hay on the stump. The steps...
Logic Model for Program Planning and Evaluation
Publication Date: 12/31/2000
Describes how to use the logic model to identify elements of a program that are most likely to yield useful evaluation data and to identify a sequence for collecting data and measuring progress.
Planning an Idaho Vegetable Garden
Publication Date: 1/1/1996
$7 Four gardening experts provide successful gardening methods. Discusses site selection, garden layout, weed and insect control, and crop by crop planting instructions. Also contains a thorough...
Southern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Beans
Publication Date: 12/31/2011
Providing optimal levels of nutrients is critical for achieving competitive bean seed yields especially since beans tend to react to micronutrient deficiencies and toxicities more than other crops...
Adopting Quinoa in Southeastern Idaho
Publication Date: 3/7/2016
This is a comprehensive guide to what's known about growing quinoa in southeastern Idaho, including environmental requirements, seeding, fertility and water requirements, pest control, harvesting...
Dairy Ammonia Control Practices
Publication Date: 12/31/2006
"Rules for the Control of Ammonia from Dairy Farms," established by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality in 2006, requires Idaho dairy farms that may emit more than 100 tons of ammonia per...
Irrigation Systems for Idaho Agriculture
Publication Date: 12/31/1996
Discusses and compares agricultural irrigation systems: surface systems, sprinkler systems, micro-irrigation and drip irrigation systems. Author: Howard Neibling 8 pages
Rhizoctonia Stem Canker and Black Scurf of Potato
Publication Date: 12/31/2012
Various types of rhizoctonia stem canker and black scurf affect Idaho potatoes, often because farmers rotate sugar beet and tubers. Learn about their symptoms and disease cycle, as well as the best...
Barley Thrips Biology and Control
Publication Date: 12/31/1996
The barley thrips is a pest in Idaho that has caused economic damage in barley crops. This publication covers the damage, description, distribution and biology of barley thrips as well as treatment...
Elements & Principles of Design
Publication Date: 8/31/2018
$1 Created to be part of a 4-H art curriculum, this informational card will provide a continuous visual reference for both youth and adults learning about visual art. The Elements & Principles card...
Biofilters in Animal Agriculture
Publication Date: 12/31/2013
Biofilters can reduce odor emissions from concentrated livestock facilities. This publication discusses what they are and how they work, describes different types and discusses important factors...
Early Blight Biology and Control in Potatoes
Publication Date: 12/31/2012
With a focus on Idaho conditions, this publication describes the symptoms and disease cycle of early blight in potatoes and recommends control measures including cultural control, resistant...
Flowering Rush
Publication Date: 10/6/2019
Flowering Rush is an invasive, aquatic, perennial weed listed as a "noxious" weed by the Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA). This fact sheet provides basic information on identification,...
Special Forest Products
Publication Date: 12/31/1991
Markets for special forest products in Idaho (edible wild mushrooms, fresh floral greens, dried flowers, wild berries, seeds, roots, bark and other plant parts) have expanded considerably since...
White Mold of Potatoes
Publication Date: 12/31/2012
With a focus on Idaho conditions, this publication describes the symptoms and disease cycle of white mold in potatoes and recommends cultural, biological (with Conithirium minitans ) and chemical...
Storage Management of Clearwater Russet Potatoes
Publication Date: 12/31/2012
Clearwater Russet is a dual-purpose potato variety released in 2008 by the USDA-ARS and the agricultural experiment stations of Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Based on three years of research...
Alfalfa Nematodes in Idaho
Publication Date: 12/1/1998
This publication offers information for the alfalfa grower on various parasitic nematodes that affect their crops. It covers the distribution, life cycle, symptoms, impact and management strategies...
La Mancha de la Hoja del Álamo Temblón y del Álamo
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
Esta hoja de datos para los jardineros caseros cubre los síntomas, el ciclo de vida y las medidas de control para la mancha de hoja, una enfermedad común y ocasionalmente severa de los Álamos...
Weed Control Methods for Perennial Crops
Publication Date: 12/31/1994
Weed control for perennial crops requires more than yearly tillage and crop rotation. Indeed, practices like repeated cultivation, herbicide application or their combination prove the best additions.
UI 228 and UI 229-New Small Red Bean Cultivars
Publication Date: 12/31/1994
UI 228 and UI 239 are high-yielding small red bean cultivars that were released in 1993. This publication provides an overview of these two varieties, including a history of their pedigree and...
Slime Flux of Trees
Publication Date: 12/31/2013
If not caught early, slime flux (bacterial wetwood) create unsightly stains on and disagreeable odors around a number of Idaho trees, typically cottonwood, willow and elm. Worse, it can also kill...
Matrix in Weed Management Systems for Potatoes
Publication Date: 12/31/2005
Provides information on Matrix's mode of action, its effectiveness on various weed species, and how to use it to maximize its strengths and avoid hazards of misuse. Authors: Pamela Hutchinson,...
Training Young Shade Trees
Publication Date: 10/3/2021
Learn how to nurture the development of a healthy tree structure in young shade trees in this Idaho Green Thumb How-to on pruning. After a brief overview, an Extension specialist discusses the...
Chateau Herbicide for Use in Potatoes
Publication Date: 12/31/2006
Chateau can be used in a weed management program to provide hairy nightshade control. The publication discusses mode of action, herbicide characteristics, application rate and timing, weeds...
Food and Your Family
Publication Date: 11/1/2022
Involving preschool children (up to five years old) in the kitchen and the cooking process is a great way to deepen family bonds but it also teaches skills that strengthen a child’s development.
Controlando los Insectos Picudos en el Césped
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
Esta publicación describe los síntomas y las estrategias de control para los gusanos de los insectos picudos (las larvas) en los céspedes de Idaho. Las estrategias sin el uso de los productos...
Preparing for a Third-Party Audit in Food Manufacturing
Publication Date: 6/26/2023
Third-party audits are part of running a food-manufacturing business, but the prospect of them can be intimidating if you aren’t prepared. This bulletin helps you to identify the crucial issues...
Start Seeds Indoors with Success
Publication Date: 12/31/2013
Starting plants at home from seed is economical and rewarding. There's more variety from which to choose, which allows you more flexibility in planning your garden. Part of the Idaho Green Thumb...
Cómo Manejar a los Boxelder Bugs
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
Una plaga molesta común en Idaho, los boxelder bugs (las chinches boxelder) pueden volverse intolerablemente numerosas. Aprenda de su apariencia, portadores, y el ciclo de vida y las maneras que...
Cereal Leaf Beetle
Publication Date: 12/31/2000
A pest of small grains, the cereal leaf beetle now occurs in 29 Idaho counties. Learn about its host plants, appearance, life cycle, damage and control recommendations. Five color photographs...
Respiration of Potatoes During Storage
Publication Date: 1/8/2024
During potato harvest, respiration becomes a crucial metabolic process. Its effectiveness determines how well a potato survives storage. Learn more about the aerobic respiration process, its...
Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus in Idaho Cereal Crops
Publication Date: 12/31/2013
Describes the symptoms, method of spread and control measures for barley yellow dwarf, a viral disease spread by aphids. Color photos. Authors: Juliet M. Marshall, Arash Rashed 4 pages
Managing Pocket Gophers in Idaho Lawns and Landscapes
Publication Date: 12/31/2013
One of Idaho's most prevalent and destructive vertebrate pests, pocket gophers can be controlled by restricting their access to high-value plants, flooding gopher burrows, trapping and poisoning.
Dollar Decisions: Making a Spending and Saving Plan
Publication Date: 12/31/2002
Making a Spending and Saving Plan helps users identify and wisely handle all income and expenses. Two worksheets help plan. Audience is lower to middle income families but publication can help...
Pesticide Record Keeping Using the OnePlan PAR
Publication Date: 12/31/2013
The publication describes state and federal record-keeping requirements that applicators can fulfill using Idaho's OnePlan Pesticide Application and Soil Fumigation Recordkeeping tool (PAR). It...
Anaerobic Digestion Basics
Publication Date: 12/31/2013
Anaerobic digestion offers the dairy and food-processing industries a way to address environmental concerns associated with waste, generate renewable energy, cut bedding-material costs, reduce...
Homeowner Guide to Pill Bugs and Sow Bugs
Publication Date: 12/19/2021
Pill bugs and sow bugs are multilegged insects attracted to moist places. They are relatively harmless though can be nuisances if they accidently wander into your house. Stay ahead of any...
Cultural Management of Ranger Russet Potatoes
Publication Date: 12/31/1997
This publication provides management tips for producing high-quality Ranger Russet potatoes in southern Idaho. Growers should adapt this information to their own situations. Information includes...
Charles Two-Row Winter Malt Barley
Publication Date: 12/31/2008
Charles barley is the first winter malt type barley accepted by the American Malting Barley Association (AMBA) as having adequate malt quality and brewing characteristics. This four-page...
Letter of Last Instruction: Everybody Needs One
Publication Date: 12/31/1991
A letter of last instruction is not a will nor a substitute for one. It is a money-management tool and personal document that details a family member's financial information. Twenty-three...
La Enfermedad “Slime Flux” de los Árboles
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
'Slime flux,' o madera húmeda bacteriana, comúnmente afecta a los siguientes árboles de Idaho-Álamo de Norteamérica (cottonwood), sauce, olmo, y Álamo. Aprenda los síntomas de 'slime flux,' los...
Superficial Growth on Potatoes
Publication Date: 12/31/2011
In some circumstances, nonpathogenic fungi and bacteria grow on the surface of a potato. This publication describes its growth, explains the factors that promote it and provides some management...
Sugar Beet Nematodes in Idaho and Eastern Oregon
Publication Date: 12/31/1998
Crop losses caused by sugar beet nematodes can reach 80%. Successfully retard the possibility of this outcome by learning about the life cycles of three nematode species and suggested control...
Pit Disposal of Cull Onions
Publication Date: 12/31/2000
Describes the management practices that prevent leaching of nitrogen from cull onion burial pits, including site selection, pit development, loading and disposal of cull onions in pits, pit...
Choosing and Growing Adapted Vegetable Varieties
Publication Date: 4/6/2009
Recommended vegetable varieties for short-season, high-altitude regions, including cool-season hardy vegetables; cool-season tender vegetables; and tender warm-season vegetables. Authors: Stephen...
Controlling Iron Deficiency in Plants in Idaho
Publication Date: 12/31/1995
One of the most common problems for Idaho growers, landscapers and home gardeners is plant iron deficiency or chlorosis. Leaves turn yellow while the veins remain green. This publication describes...
Tools for Facilitating Change in Rural Communities
Publication Date: 7/6/2015
This publication focuses on the four phases of change developed by the Idaho Horizons program to reduce poverty in small, rural communities. Each phase requires the use of different...
Storage Management of Alpine Russet Potatoes
Publication Date: 12/31/2010
Alpine Russet is a high-yielding, late-maturing potato with long, lightly rusted tubers whose long-term storability is a special advantage. Based on three years of research at the University of...
Homeowner Guide to Centipedes and Millipedes
Publication Date: 1/30/2022
Centipedes and millipedes are many-legged relatives of insects that thrive in damp, dark yard and garden habitats. Sometimes they accidentally wander into homes, creating minor concern as a pest.
Cull and Waste Potato Management
Publication Date: 7/25/2023
Cull potatoes are low-market-value tubers, unusable or disposable, often due to overproduction. Because they are grown at many different times and locations throughout Idaho, discarding them...
Controlling Billbug Grubs in Lawns
Publication Date: 12/31/2013
This publication describes symptoms and control strategies for billbug grubs (larvae) in Idaho lawns. Nonchemical strategies include growing grass varieties that are resistant to billbug feeding...
Red Fire Bug — A New Idaho Invader?
Publication Date: 3/15/2022
The red fire bug, Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae), is an introduced and invasive true bug with a vividly colored red and black body. Since its introduction and establishment, the...
Large Yellow Underwing: A Cutworm Pest in Idaho
Publication Date: 1/4/2022
Noctua pronuba (pronounced knock-TOO-ah pro-NEW-bah) is an accidentally introduced cutworm known as the large or greater yellow underwing for its distinctively colored adult moth stage. Learn the...
Tuxedo Bug: A New Home-Invading Insect in Idaho
Publication Date: 12/31/2006
The tuxedo bug has become a significant nuisance pest insect in some areas of Idaho. Although harmless, their massive numbers, particularly during the fall, makes them an intolerable pest for...
Buying Locally Raised Meat for Custom Processing
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
Most people who buy meat from a local producer purchase a live animal (or a portion of one) and have it butchered by a "custom-exempt" processing plant. This publication explains how the process...
Working with a Professional Forester
Publication Date: 2/28/2018
(Includes Idaho Natural Resource Consultant Directory) Forest management effects can be long lasting, so it is appropriate to do some research and make thoughtful decisions. Different types of...
Hobo Spiders in Idaho
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
This Idaho Green Thumb How-to fact sheet covers identification and control of hobo spiders, mistakenly referred to as "aggressive house spiders." These spiders can bite but are no longer thought to...
Tips for Entrepreneurs: Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Publication Date: 12/2/2021
Part of the Tips for Entrepreneurs series, this three-page fact sheet provides information on how to form a limited liability company (LLC) in Idaho. Learn about federal registration requirements,...
Native Plant Landscaping: Curb Appeal and Low Water Use
Publication Date: 2/23/2022
Many property owners don't fully realize that native plants are economical and effective solutions for use in landscape design, particularly since Idaho's climate is so weather-dependent. This...
Contribution of Agribusiness to Idaho's Economy, 2010
Publication Date: 12/31/2011
In 2010, Idaho agribusinesses sold more than $15 billion of goods and services, generated $3.4 billion in gross state product, and created 50,000 Idaho jobs. It was Idaho's largest base industry by...
Potato Production with Limited Water Supply
Publication Date: 12/31/2003
Research-based guidelines for irrigation, nutrient and cultural management practices for producing potatoes when water supplies are limited are presented in this publication. Authors: Bradley A.
Diagnosis and Management of Potato Storage Diseases
Publication Date: 12/31/2005
Learn how to identify the major storage diseases of potatoes and how to manage them through prevention, storage disinfection and management of temperature, humidity and airflow during storage.
Management Planning for the Family Forest Owner
Publication Date: 12/31/2006
Leads you through the steps of preparing a useful management plan for your forest property. Includes numerous sources of further information. Authors: Randy Brooks, Ron Mahoney 4 pages
Different Treatment Options for Russian Olive
Publication Date: 9/7/2020
Russian olive is a thorny, small and highly invasive tree that thrives in southern Idaho's arid climate. The sometimes shrubby tree often crowds out native vegetation areas along the banks of...
Potato Seed Management: Seed Size and Age
Publication Date: 12/31/1994
Discusses impact of seed size and physiological age on seed performance and the implications for management. Authors: William H. Bohl, Phillip Nolte. Gale E. Kleinkopf, Michael K. Thornton 4 pages
Diga lo que piensa con Confianza
Publication Date: 10/3/2022
Los jóvenes y adultos que aprenden a hablar en público de manera efectiva obtienen una herramienta importante de liderazgo. Esta publicación le ayuda desarrollar ese activo. Lo remite a nueve hojas...
Conduct Your Own Garden Research
Publication Date: 12/31/1995
Want to know whether a new potato variety yields more than an old standard? This publication explains how to run scientific experiments in market or backyard gardens and interpret your results.
Irrigation Scheduling Using Water-Use Tables
Publication Date: 12/31/1997
Poor irrigation management can reduce crop yields, degrade crop quality, foster disease and increase pumping costs. This publication has information on using water-use tables to irrigate crops...
Thatch Prevention and Control in Home Lawns
Publication Date: 12/31/1996
Nearly every homeowner wants to have a well-maintained lawn. But thatch can build up over the years in degrading the lawn's beauty. Learn how to prevent its buildup by fertilizing at well-timed...
Starting a Home Lawn
Publication Date: 12/31/1996
Lawns are one of the simplest groundcovers to maintain and enjoy but they require a good soil foundation. Find out how to establish one in this classic publication. Along with providing guidance...
Potato Tuberworm: A Threat for Idaho Potatoes
Publication Date: 12/31/2004
Potato tuberworm has damaged potato crops in Oregon and could threaten Idaho potatoes. This publication describes the pest, its life cycle, and the damage it causes and goes into ways to manage the...
Manure and Wastewater Sampling
Publication Date: 12/31/2006
A review of samples from 42 dairies in Idaho showed that nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) in wastewater lagoons vary greatly between farms and from year to year. So manure should be tested as close...
Cereal Grass Aphid: A Newly Invasive Pest in North America
Publication Date: 9/1/2022
Cereal grass aphid is a newly invasive aphid pest in North America. It colonizes cultivated crops like wheat, barley and oat, sucking their juices and using them as host sites for reproduction,...
Author(s): Subodh Adhikari, Elisabeth C. Oeller, Arash Rashed, Sanford D. Eigenbrode, Bradley Stokes
Cultural Management of Russet Norkotah Potatoes
Publication Date: 12/31/2002
Russet Norkotah, an early-maturing variety with long to oblong tubers and dark russet skin is well adapted for the fresh market, but not well-suited for processing due to low specific gravity.
Common Scab of Potato Caused by Streptomyces Species
Publication Date: 5/30/2024
Common scab of potato is a plant disease caused by several plant pathogenic bacteria in the genus Streptomyces. The unsightly cork-like lesions, which range from relatively superficial to deep...
Storage Management of Teton Russet Potatoes
Publication Date: 12/31/2014
Teton Russet is a dual-purpose potato variety released in 2011 by the USDA-ARS and the agricultural experiment stations of Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Based on a three-year study conducted at the...
Estimation of Sugar Beet Yield and Quality with UAV-Based Sensors
Publication Date: 9/1/2022
Efficient nitrogen (N) and water management are key for maximizing sugar yield in sugar beets. UAV-based remote sensing is increasingly being using as a tool for in-season N and water management...
Author(s): Olga Walsh, Sanaz Shafian, and Jordan R. McClintick
Identifying the Corn Blotch Leafminer
Publication Date: 12/31/2001
Large populations of corn blotch leafminer, a pest recently discovered in Idaho, can lead to crop losses similar to those caused by hail. This publication describes the pest and its impacts on corn...
Market Fresh in a Snap!
Publication Date: 3/1/2023
Teaching children how to eat healthy food yields lifelong benefits. It also supports local farmers. Let this 66-page booklet show you the way to do both, via 35 tasty, handpicked and no-cook...
Controlando a los Topillos en Idaho
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
Los topillos pueden controlarse sin los productos químicos o con los productos químicos llamados "rodenticidas." Las estrategias sin el uso de los productos que incluyen eliminando el hábitat del...
Integrated Pest Management of Fusarium Dry Rot in Potato
Publication Date: 7/17/2023
Insect and disease pests are prevalent in both residential and commercial food production settings, meaning that a large number of Idahoans contend with them each year. Part of an integrated pest...
Managing Soils in Short-Season, High-Altitude Zones
Publication Date: 4/6/2009
Part of the short-season, high-elevation gardening series, this publication describes the three basic soil types in Idaho's short-season, high-elevation gardening zones and offers management...
Leaf Spot of Aspen and Poplar
Publication Date: 12/31/2012
This fact sheet for home gardeners covers symptoms, life cycle and control measures for leaf spot, a common and occasionally serious disease of aspen and poplar trees caused by fungi in the genus...
H2O to Go: Staying Hydrated Safely!
Publication Date: 8/28/2023
Because drinking water is a requirement for human survival, it is important to know the basic facts so you can maintain your general health. Along with telling you how much water to drink each day,...
Black Medic
Publication Date: 1/23/2022
Black medic ( Medicago lupulina ) is an annual or short-lived perennial from Eurasia. It can be found in lawns, pastures, rights-of-way and other marginal sites. Learn how to manage this...
Measuring Potato Dry Matter Content on the Farm
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
This publication describes three on-farm methods for measuring potato dry matter that provide similar results to commercial laboratory tests. Knowing the dry matter of cull potatoes is important to...
Contribution of Agribusiness to the Idaho Economy, 2013
Publication Date: 12/7/2015
In 2013, Idaho agribusiness contributed more than $27 billion (20%) of total Idaho sales, over $10 billion (16%) of the state's GSP and over 126,000 (14%) Idaho jobs, according to a base analysis...
Storage Management of Payette Russet Potatoes
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
Payette Russet is a full-season potato variety released in 2015 by the USDA-ARS and the agricultural experiment stations of Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Based on three years of storage data...
Planting Dates in Wheat Production in Southern Idaho
Publication Date: 6/6/2016
This publication summarizes more than three decades of research into planting date in spring and winter wheat production in southwestern Idaho. Much of the information will be pertinent to other...
Eurasian Watermilfoil
Publication Date: 12/31/2006
Covers the biology, detection and management of this invasive aquatic plant. Includes illustrations and descriptions of similar species and estimated costs for various control options, including...
Presenting Online
Publication Date: 11/29/2020
Since webinars and other internet-based communication have become more of a standard, it has become important to know how to present material online. From managing the visual elements, minding...
Storage Management of Blazer Russet Potatoes
Publication Date: 12/31/2011
Blazer Russet is an early maturing, high-yielding potato that produces oblong to long tubers with a medium-russet skin. Its name refers to its earliness — it blazes the way for a potato harvest.
Storage Management of Western Russet Potatoes
Publication Date: 12/31/2007
Western Russet is a multipurpose potato variety released in 2004 by the USDA-ARS and the agricultural experiment stations of Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Based on a two-year study conducted at the...
Reading and Understanding Pesticide Labels
Publication Date: 7/11/2016
A pesticide label is a legal document whose content protects users, consumers and the environment. This useful seven-page bulletin shows you how to read and understand this carefully crafted...
Cultural Management of Blazer Russet Potatoes
Publication Date: 12/31/2007
Four pages of information about growing and storing Blazer Russet potatoes, an early maturing variety notable for high yields of long to oblong tubers. It is resistant to sugar-ends, tuber...
Weed Control in Idaho Lawns
Publication Date: 6/1/2022
Weeds are opportunistic, but many of those found in Idaho lawns can be prevented and controlled. This Idaho Green Thumb How-To provides the basics about how to deal with these stubborn plants.
Scheduling the Final Irrigation for Wheat and Barley
Publication Date: 1/9/2017
Water management during grain formation is more important than ever, particularly with urban expansion and the subsequent increase in municipal water use. By investigating crop water-use patterns...
Controlling Ascochyta Blight of Chickpea
Publication Date: 12/31/1999
This publication covers the background of the fungal blight and information on how to sustain profitable chickpea production. Topics covered include rotating crops, choosing crop varieties, using...
Replacing Important Lost or Damaged Documents in Idaho
Publication Date: 5/9/2016
Natural disasters or burglary can damage, destroy, or misplace important documents or computer files. Thus it's vital to know how to replace them. This eight-page bulletin, whose discussion...
Southern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Southern Idaho Lawns
Publication Date: 12/31/1997
Improper fertilization can result in diseased or weedy lawns. An entry in the southern Idaho Fertilizer Guide series, this six-page publication will help homeowners grow a healthy lawn. It...
Soil Testing to Guide Fertilizer Management
Publication Date: 10/19/2023
Regularly testing your soil will allow you to accurately spot problem areas and thus provide sustainable soil nutrient management. This updated version of a 1997 bulletin provides the basic...
A Grower's Guide to Successful On-Farm Research
Publication Date: 4/30/2020
Interested in identifying a new crop rotation or adopting a new irrigation method to improve your yield, but worried about the time and money wasted if it doesn't work? Conduct your own on-farm...
Storage Management of Alturas Potatoes
Publication Date: 12/31/2005
Alturas is a 2002 multipurpose, late-maturing, high-yielding potato variety that produces russeted tubers with high specific gravity. Based on a three-year study at the University of Idaho's...
Options for Storing Potatoes at Home
Publication Date: 12/31/2008
Recommendations for consumers on how to store large quantities of potatoes at home. Authors: Lynn Woodell, Nora Olson, Jim Wilson 4 pages
Idaho's Noxious Weeds, 10th edition
Publication Date: 6/1/2022
$7 This newest edition of our popular pocket guide shows all the weeds on Idaho's official noxious weeds list, including examples of the three newest additions. Inside find true-color photos of...
Country of Origin Labeling and Livestock Producers
Publication Date: 3/14/2024
The COOL (country of origin labeling) law is federal regulation that requires any person or entity that supplies a COOL covered commodity to food retailers, such as supermarkets, club warehouses,...
North Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Alfalfa
Publication Date: 9/12/2005
Fertilizer improves plant growth and productivity. An entry in the northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide series, this three-page publication offers fertilizer guidelines for lime and nitrogen,...
BQA: Guidelines for Culling Beef Animals
Publication Date: 10/31/2018
Having a plan for identifying cull animals is key for maintaining a safe and healthy cow herd. This publication explains how to identify animals that should be removed from the herd, when to cull...
BQA: Feedstuff Guidelines
Publication Date: 10/31/2018
Beef producers must document the safety of their product by keeping accurate records of the feedstuffs they use in their operations, including records of pesticides being applied to feed crops.
Designing an Edible Landscape in Idaho
Publication Date: 3/6/2019
$5 A successful edible landscape results from good planning, thoughtful design and regular maintenance. Edible yards can be eye-catching while expanding the capacity for home food production.
Growing Mushrooms Commercially-Risks and Opportunities
Publication Date: 12/31/1999
Learn the basics of what you need to do to grow and sell mushrooms (especially specialty varieties, which are any mushroom species that doesn't belong to the genus Agaricus). You'll need to...
Pasture Principles for Smaller Acreages
Publication Date: 9/7/2023
Ranchettes and small farms are cropping up in rural landscapes across Idaho, spurring demand for information on pasture management. This updated publication addresses the most common concerns...
BQA: Guidelines for Calving Management
Publication Date: 10/31/2018
Good calving management practices can increase animal health and beef product safety by reducing the need for antibiotics and other pharmaceutical treatments. This publication discusses numerous...
Ensiling Pressed Beet Pulp
Publication Date: 1/2/2007
Ensiling pressed beet pulp for dairy feed is a relatively new practice in the U.S. This publication summarizes storage alternatives, guidelines for ensiling pressed beet pulp, and tips for...
BQA: Guidelines for Preconditioning and Weaning
Publication Date: 10/31/2018
Preconditioning calves involves a number of practices that prepare calves for the next production phase and includes acclimating calves to a new diet, vaccinating and weaning calves, and teaching...
Managing Voles in Idaho Lawns and Landscapes
Publication Date: 12/31/2013
Voles can be managed without chemicals or with chemicals called "rodenticides." Nonchemical approaches include eliminating vole habitat, excluding voles from sensitive areas and trapping. Toxic...
Handling Potato Waste for Beef Cattle Feeding
Publication Date: 12/31/1977
Feeding potato waste to beef cattle requires good feed management and certain precautions. This publication covers the storage and feeding of different forms of potato waste including filter cake...
Mitigating High-Phosphorus Soils
Publication Date: 8/4/2008
According to Idaho law, livestock operators must make sure their operations are not dumping excess phosphorus into the soil, which could then contaminate surface water or groundwater. This...
Controlando a las Tuzas en Idaho
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
Una de las alimañas vertebradas más destructivas y prevalentes de Idaho, las tuzas pueden controlarse restringiendo su acceso a las plantas de alto valor, inundando las madrigueras de tuza,...
Dairy Manure Field Applications: How Much is Too Much?
Publication Date: 12/31/2008
Dairy manure can increase crop yields and improve soil. However, manure can also cause an excess of certain nutrients, which can damage waterways and crops. This publication presents background...
Leafhoppers in the Landscape
Publication Date: 12/31/2016
Leafhoppers are small, winged insects that cause damage to trees and shrubs and are a nuisance for homeowners in Idaho. This publication describes the four common species of leafhoppers found in...
El Control de las Avispas y de los Avispones en Idaho
Publication Date: 12/31/2015
Aprenda a reconocer las avispas chaquetas amarillas bravas, los avispones cariblancos, y las avispas papeleras de Idaho y a controlarlas con o sin los productos químicos. Autores: Stuart C.
Southern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Irrigated Pastures
Publication Date: 12/31/2008
Irrigated pastures in southern Idaho are primarily composed of grasses or grass-legume mixtures. An entry in the southern Idaho Fertilizer Guide series, this five-page publication explains the...
Southern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Irrigated Winter Wheat
Publication Date: 12/31/2000
Fertilizer improves plant growth and productivity. An entry in the southern Idaho Fertilizer Guide series, this six-page publication offers fertilizer guidelines for nitrogen, phosphorus,...
Sampling Procedure to Diagnose Nematode Infestations
Publication Date: 12/31/1996
Nematodes are tiny wormlike plant pests that in the United States cause an estimated 10% drop in crop values annually. As Integrated Pest Management and Integrated Crop Production methods have...
Potato Production in the Home Garden
Publication Date: 12/31/2001
This publication contains suggestions dealing with potato varieties, planting, rotation, irrigation, fertilization, pest control, harvesting and storage. Authors: A. Thompson-Johns, S.L. Love, M.K.
Management of Vegetable Diseases in Home Gardens
Publication Date: 12/31/1992
Gives six practices to help you keep garden plants healthy, from disposing of plant residue at season's end to the occasional use of pesticides. Authors: W. Michael Colt, S. Krishna Mohan, Saad L.
Plant Your Seedlings Right
Publication Date: 12/31/2017
In order to ensure the highest level of success in planting seedlings, there are many practices you will want to consider. This publication covers the correct ways to handle, plant and care for...
Homeowner Guide to Scorpions and Their Relatives
Publication Date: 12/31/2008
This publication helps you identify scorpions and pseudoscorpions and understand the threats they pose. Full color. Authors: Edward John Bechinski, Dennis J. Schotzko, Craig R. Baird 3 pages
Outlook Herbicide for Weed Control in Potatoes
Publication Date: 12/31/2004
Describes mode of action, use rates, application methods, weeds controlled, potato variety tolerances and follow-crop restrictions. Provides U of I research data on percentage control of various...
Storage Management for Summit Russet Potatoes
Publication Date: 12/31/2003
Summit Russet is a 2002 late-maturing russet-skin potato cultivar that produces a high percentage of marketable tubers. Based on three years of research conducted at the University of Idaho...
Fertilizing Gardens
Publication Date: 12/31/1991
This publication covers organic fertilizers, commercial inorganic fertilizers, application methods, specific elements (iron, zinc and sulfur), and general tips. Authors: Robert L. Mahler, Terry A.
Cultural Management of Classic Russet Potatoes
Publication Date: 12/31/2010
Reports the findings from research studies on the cultural management of Classic Russet potatoes in southern Idaho. Growers can use the results in developing management guidelines for their own...
4H Wildlife and Water: Volunteer Guide
Publication Date: 9/1/2022
$6 This 20-page publication supplements the Wildlife and Water Habitats 4-H Youth Curriculum, a program that teaches middle school-age children about Idaho habitats. As a companion guide, it...
Five for Five: Five Minutes to Better Health
Publication Date: 8/15/2022
Free Everyone knows that staying physically active improves one’s health. However, just under half of all adults in the United States don’t engage in regular exercise; even worse, nearly...
4H Wildlife and Water: Youth Guide
Publication Date: 9/1/2022
$19.50 This 124-page youth text and workbook teaches middle school-age children about Idaho habitats as part of a three-year course. An ongoing narrative involving the characters Emily and Logan...
Chemical Weed Control in New Spring-Seeded Alfalfa
Publication Date: 8/28/2024
Weed management is one of the most important practices in alfalfa production, particularly in new seeding. This bulletin briefly discusses two chemical-based approaches: preemergence or preplant...
Pasture and Grazing Management in the Northwest
Publication Date: 12/31/2009
$35 The comprehensive resource for anyone who manages livestock on pastures in the Northwest, this 214-page book offers pasture managers information and tools to enable their pastures and their...
Pregnancy Testing in Beef Cattle
Publication Date: 10/21/2024
Pregnancy testing in beef cattle is a tool that optimizes heifer management and identifies candidates for culling or removal from the herd. Some methods of pregnancy detection also provide...
Preventing Potato Bruise Damage
Publication Date: 10/21/2024
Bruising costs the U.S. potato industry hundreds of millions of dollars annually and penalizes growers via lower prices, reduced demand and increased storage loss. This training guide helps...
Recordkeeping for Your Small Ruminant Operation
Publication Date: 10/21/2024
Keeping records is important when running a small ruminant operation. Otherwise, it won’t be clear if you are reaching operational goals or production levels or ably managing costs. This five-page...
Idaho Master Gardener Program Handbook, 21st Edition
Publication Date: 6/26/2024
$55 Gardeners throughout Idaho use this basic gardening handbook as their text in the increasingly popular master gardener classes. Chapters cover topics such as basic botany, backyard composting,...
Does ChatGPT Get Food Safety?
Publication Date: 10/22/2024
Creating food-safety plans and programs from scratch can be daunting, especially for a new small food entrepreneur. Chatbots seem a promising resource aid, but beware, they are not oracles. Learn...
Potato Virus Y Management for the Seed Potato Producer
Publication Date: 8/13/2009
One of the most serious challenges facing seed potato producers is managing Potato virus Y, which causes stunting, foliar damage, wilting and sometimes plant death, even though some potato species...
Spring Barley Quick Facts (2023 Southern Idaho)
Publication Date: 12/10/2024
This two-page fact sheet offers recommendations for growing spring barley in southern Idaho, with pointers or information on growth stages and development, rotation and seeding, irrigation,...
Minimizing the Impacts of Home Food Waste
Publication Date: 11/22/2024
Approximately one-third of the food produced in the United States is never eaten, creating a domino effect of environmental, financial, and social impacts. Indeed, throwing away food increases...
Understanding Weight Loss of Potato Tuber in Storage
Publication Date: 12/10/2024
Water is a crucial component of a potato. The more water a potato loses, the less its selling potential. Understanding water loss in stored potatoes is thus vitally important for producers. Learn...
Thumbnail Cracks of Potato Tubers
Publication Date: 11/25/2024
Mishandling tubers is a liability for growers. It helps skin defects to emerge, flaws that often repel consumers when they shop for potatoes in a grocery store. The most common one is a thumbnail...
Integrated Pest Management of Leafy Spurge
Publication Date: 10/29/2024
Leafy spurge is a highly invasive and aggressive weed that forms dense stands, significantly reducing the carrying capacity of rangelands or pastures by 50% to 75%. Part of an integrated pest...
Guide to Idaho Crayfish
Publication Date: 8/16/2024
$6 Crayfish are freshwater crustaceans, distantly related to the lobster. Their aquatic impact is significant and fascinating, yet their profile and presence remain mysterious to many Idahoans.
Sagebrush Wildflowers: From Bloom to Seed
Publication Date: 9/30/2024
Imperiled sagebrush ecosystems and the wildflowers they harbor support countless wildlife species. This 24" x 36" poster illustrates the progression of 31 Great Basin wildflowers from bloom to seed...
Onion Quick Facts
Publication Date: 11/25/2024
This two-page fact sheet for use in the field offers recommendations for growing onions in Idaho, with pointers or information on growth stages and development, planting, fertilization, irrigation,...
Protecting the Source: How Idaho Aquifers Work
Publication Date: 1/6/2025
Many homeowners and landowners have never had to manage a water well or septic system. This is highly problematic, because mismanagement harms the environment and the health of the private owner.
Protecting the Source: Protecting Drinking Water Wells
Publication Date: 1/6/2025
Many homeowners and landowners have never had to manage a water well or septic system. This is highly problematic, because mismanagement harms the environment and the health of the private owner.
The Financial Conditions of Idaho Agriculture: 2024
Publication Date: 12/20/2024
This annual report details the financial health of Idaho agriculture, containing statistics on farm cash receipts, net farm income, government payments, the gross domestic product, and livestock...
Pest Friends
Publication Date: 10/1/2022
Pest Friends is an educational strategy board game designed to help youth and adults understand the principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), an ecosystem-based approach for managing pests...
Barny the Barn Owl Coloring Book
Publication Date: 10/24/2024
Teach children about crop ecosystems with this attractive 14-page coloring book. In it, youth learn about the ecological role of barn owls on a farm by meeting Barny, an adorable little raptor.
Spring Hulless Food Barley Production Quick Facts
Publication Date: 1/30/2025
This two-page fact sheet offers recommendations for growing spring hulless food barley in southern Idaho, with pointers or information on nutrition, rotation and seeding, growth stages and...
2024 Small Grains Report
Publication Date: 1/30/2025
Packed with tons of agronomic data, disease ratings and end-use quality data — interspersed with reports about planting and weather conditions, insect and diseases issues and more. This 162-page...
Pink Root Disease of Onion: Biology and Control
Publication Date: 10/14/2021
Pink root is one of the most significant diseases of onion in the Treasure Valley of Idaho and Oregon. Nearly one-quarter of susceptible onion losses are due to it. Learn what the symptoms are,...