Idaho Crop Profiles
2020 Southern Idaho Hard Spring Wheat Quick Facts
This two-page fact sheet offers recommendations for growing hard spring wheat in southern Idaho, with pointers or information on growth and development, rotation and seeding, fertilization,...
2020 Southern Idaho Hard Winter Wheat Quick Facts
This two-page fact sheet offers recommendations for growing hard winter wheat in southern Idaho, with pointers or information on growth and development, rotation and seeding, fertilization,...
2020 Southern Idaho Soft White Spring Wheat Quick Facts
This two-page fact sheet offers recommendations for growing soft white spring wheat in southern Idaho, with pointers or information on growth and development, rotation and seeding, fertilization,...
2020 Southern Idaho Soft White Winter Wheat Quick Facts
This two-page fact sheet offers recommendations for growing soft white winter wheat in southern Idaho, with pointers or information on growth and development, rotation and seeding, fertilization,...
Packed with tons of agronomic data, disease ratings and end-use quality data — interspersed with reports about planting and weather conditions, insect and diseases issues and more. This 146-page...
Packed with tons of agronomic data, disease ratings and end-use quality data — interspersed with reports about planting and weather conditions, insect and diseases issues and more. This 162-page...
How do growers know what to grow or what will be profitable for their operation? This publication provides benchmark estimates for farm-level costs and returns for the dryland crops typically...
This publication is an overview of commercial apple production including production regions, production practices, pest management, weeds and diseases. Information includes a description of the...
Idaho Spring Barley Production Guide
Barley is one of Idaho’s most important crops. Although its harvested acreage has decreased in the past twenty years, the state is still the nation’s top barley producer. Published in 2003, this...
Quick Facts: Idaho Sugar Beets
This compact fact sheet summarizes recommendations for growing sugar beets in Idaho, with pointers or information on soil sampling/testing, fertilization, irrigation, tillage, cropping history, and...
Spring Barley Quick Facts (2023 Southern Idaho)
This two-page fact sheet offers recommendations for growing spring barley in southern Idaho, with pointers or information on growth stages and development, rotation and seeding, irrigation,...