Impact Statements
Impact statements include information about specific areas of research, extension and teaching efforts and the impact these programs are making on the people of Idaho.
- Sky’s the Limit with University of Idaho Extension’s 4-H program in Valley County
- Southern district Youth Beef Field Day teaches calving best practices to youth
- Ultrasound data collection at fairs has a positive impact on meat quality
- 4-H empowers youth to reach their full potential
- 4-H’s Leadership NOW! expands leadership development for Idaho teens
- 4-H youth and volunteers learn about mental health and wellness
- 4-H health advocates’ nutrition and hydration project support high school athletes
- Partnership vital for successful agriculture week celebration
- Sewing workshop participants learned new skills and gained confidence
- Indoor container garden promotes youth engagement and wellness in schools
- Elevating teens interpersonal and workforce skills at teen retreat
- Boys and girls club builds cooking skills with support from community partners
- Continuing to help youth thrive in Ada and Canyon counties
- Youth increase animal science knowledge through experiential learning
- Reaching new audiences with hands-on STEM education
- Library partnership reaches underserved youth audiences with 4-H curriculum
- 4-H camp makes positive changes on teens
- New Pest Friends’ website helps pest managers thrive
- UI Extension in Fort Hall uses technology to improve bull grading program
- Increased knowledge leads to improved practices and higher crop yields
- Effective termination of cover crops is vital before planting cash crops
- Early detection and rapid response to Palmer amaranth and waterhemp
- Forage field days in eastern Idaho brings research results to local producers
- North Central Idaho beef school series: commitment to beef programming
- Garden school increases access to adult learning opportunities and new audiences
- Enhanced Insect ID website: Empowering rapid response and long-term tracking
- Flexible online Idaho Master Gardener Program reaches statewide audience
- Horticulture inquiries highlight need for a master gardener program
- Idaho master gardeners learn and serve in Latah County
- Breaking the barriers of stigma to address suicide and mental health
- Get the Dish! Multistate Extension educator collaboration
- Secondary FCS teachers and UI Extension educators connect through sewing
- EXCITE team brings poverty competency workshops to public health partners
- Mealtime Inspirations participants learn food preparation skills in southeast Idaho
- Expanding Extension outreach through Money Mastery Mentors
- Facing social stigma — Extension provides research-based information on dementia
- Beef Counts serves as a catalyst to get beef on plates in North Central Idaho region
- Creating a Spark in young people ages 5-13 in Ada and Canyon counties
- U and I Together: Extension continues to bring Idahoans together with virtual series
- 4-H Adventure Camp is getting youth unplugged, outside and living real life
- Out of School, Into the Garden enhances learning opportunities for youth
- 4-H offers a high-quality youth development experience through Know Your Government
- Twenty-five mobile makerspaces expand access to hands-on STEM education
- Idaho teens gain financial literacy in immersive, overnight seminar
- UI Extension in Fort Hall develops thriving 4-H/youth livestock program
- 4-H health advocates lead change for nutrition equity at Caldwell High School
- UI Extension handwashing class keeps students washing their hands
- Youth engaging in 4-H visual arts build artistic and life skills
- Youth increase their physical activity with Five for Five: Five minutes to better health
- Sewing workshop provides training to local youth volunteers
- Ultrasound data provides valuable learning tool for Custer County youth
- Alpine 4-H Camp: The height of youth development
- Boys and Girls Club gain nutrition and garden knowledge
- Youth livestock exhibitors experience sampling lamb, goat and beef
- North Central Idaho UI Extension brings the farm and forest to area fifth graders
- Junior golf program teaches lifetime physical activity skills
- Idaho’s 4-H Learn, Engage, Act, Develop, Summit (LEADS) builds youth leadership
- Oneida County enrollment sees encouraging growth due to new grant funding
- 4-H Outside the Box learning labs expand opportunities for youth
- Peer Learning Networks and the Tri-state community review network
- Readying rural communities to capture the benefits of digitalization
- Extension professionals making a broader impact through U and I Together series
- Improving program opportunities in community development and natural resources
- Sustainability for public art created through the Cascade Arts Walk Placemaking project
- UI Extension internships provide hands-on opportunities for Idaho collegians
- Tuesday Market expands impact with USDA Farmers Market Promotion Program grant
- Idaho Potato Conference’s Spanish session highlights culinary uses of potato varieties
- Range livestock symposium offers participants industry relevant information
- Sheep and goat webinar series: Reaching a diverse and disperse audience
- Lemhi County Cattlemen’s Winter School — successful since 1970
- Cover crop interseeded into wide row silage corn shows promise
- Malt barley yield and grain metabolite response to nitrogen and sulfur
- Online QuickBooks for farming and ranching class provides flexibility
- Local data for local cereal grain growers
- Three Rivers Grazing Conference returns to North Central Idaho
- UI Extension teaches landowners new skills to manage noxious weeds
- Using a performance-based learning model for beginning farmer education program
- Increasing farm sales and success by building digital marketing skills
- Extension educators partner to provide American Heart Association Healthy for Life
- UI Extension collaborative on immunization teaching and engagement
- Community dinners meet the increasing need in bringing people together
- Extension educators turn understanding to action through Dementia Friends program
- Eat Smart Idaho brightened mealtime experience in a cafeteria
- Expanding nutrition education for Bannock County students
- EXCITE program establishes innovative model for mobile vaccine clinics
- EXCITE team integrates farm safety and immunization education, access to vaccines
- Participants save money and gain better mental health with a 52-week challenge
- Embracing gratitude: health benefits and practical applications
- Healthy Meals for Busy Families reduces spending at the drive thru
- Eat Smart Idaho healthy food drives teaches the importance of giving back
- Five for Five team shares their innovative curricula on large scale
- Exposure to a variety of fruits and vegetable changes eating behavior
- HACCP and food safety — important for Idaho’s food manufacturers
- Treasure Valley youth explore STEM circuitry craze
- Idaho teens gain valuable skills through 4-H Know Your Government conference
- 4-H member field trip provides fun, real-life nutrition experiences
- Building a better future for Butte County youth
- Idaho 4-H State Teen Association Convention (STAC) promotes youth thriving
- Tobacco and vaping prevention taught to Bingham County elementary youth
- UI Extension in Fort Hall develops mobile, COVID-19 safe tribal 4-H/youth program
- Reducing fear in future pest managers through hands on experiences
- Jefferson County youth increase shooting sports safety and knowledge
- Idaho youth learn essential skills to apply and interview for their first job
- Community program grant provides robotics and coding opportunities for youth
- “Fun”ancial events wow students, teachers and parents
- Youth express self and build skills through the visual arts
- Camas County 4-H in-school and afterschool focus on STEAM education
- Youth-adult partnership with Project Filter creates statewide anti-vaping education
- Science knowledge and skills found in Gooding County 4-H outreach
- Moscow Middle School students build a school garden and compost lunch waste
- 4-H summer day camps offer STEAM activities for Bonner County youth
- Mentoring high school seniors in small communities
- Idaho’s 4-H dairy judging invitational focuses on education
- Juntos 4-H members celebrate academic success with high school graduation
- Ag Talk Tuesday series keeps Idaho producers informed
- Ladies Raising Livestock program targets women in the livestock industry
- Improving IPM skills through the Pest Friends board game
- Spanish online learning format helps Hispanic workers in the potato industry
- Ag Talk Tuesday connects with growers and agricultural professionals
- Barn owl box program helps farmers adopt sustainable rodent strategies
- Dynamic program serves seasonal pesticide applicators schedules
- Teaming up with refugees to embrace diverse cultural and gardening objectives
- Bud placement and apple grafting educational programming
- Twin Falls community gardens increase access to healthy foods and provide education
- UI Extension’s insect identification website supports Idahoans and the environment
- Childcare professionals learn to implement Farm to Early Care and Education strategies
- Diabetes email challenge provides remote learning throughout the United States
- Bringing the tasty with food safety
- Smoking and grilling foods program increases learning across disciplines
- That’s Life simulation goes big to address need of financial education in high schools
- Mental health first aid training community members and law enforcement
- Caldwell Senior Produce Program strengthens connections, community and health
- AmeriCorps instructors expand programs to youth in Twin Falls County
- 4-H teen health advocates are building skills and giving back to their communities
- Using Zoom for adaptive youth programming leads to success in 2020
- Supporting volunteers during a pandemic: creating resiliency
- 4-H livestock participants learn the importance of quality assurance
- Career and science fairs focus on local job options and workforce skills
- North Dakota Sioux County and UI partner: National 4-H in Indian Country discussion
- New 4-H volunteer orientation materials provide consistency for statewide delivery
- Youth learn about beef production during agriculture week educational sessions
- Hydroponics as a medium for teaching STEM to middle school youth
- Animal science lesson plans meet the needs of 4-H volunteers
- Spark Your Imagination with Edison
- Teton County 4-H helps serve community needs through new STEAM offerings
- Partners inspiring community health (PICH)
- Cattle industry support helps educate Idaho County 4-H beef project members
- Eat Smart Idaho supports Juntos Family Engagement with healthy meal kits
- 4-H youth learn how they will influence the future of drones
- “Welcome to the Real World” teaches youth financial decision-making
- Idaho’s 4-H shooting sports: teaching youth, building safer communities
- Using Zoom to fulfill 4-H project requirements during pandemic constraints
- Idaho 4-H Volunteer Association (IVA) funding statewide opportunity grants
- Homeschool groups, the untapped educational opportunity
- 4-H outreach to geographically dispersed military children, youth and families
- 4-H Soccer for Success builds healthy habits in youth
- Mobile makerspaces reduce barriers to STEM education
- Long-term partnership with Hansen School impacts students
- Improving farm risk management skills through Annie's Project
- UI Extension in Fort Hall provides producer access to coronavirus livestock programs
- Pest alert newsletter targets eastern Idaho pest concerns
- Development of an economic threshold for thrips damage on Idaho alfalfa crops
- Making dormant season grazing work
- E. coli in streams and cattle grazing
- Finding the ideal cow for Idaho rangelands
- Innovative pesticide recertification webinar series — success amid COVID-19
- UI Extension demonstration project leads to a complete change in ranch operations
- Preparing beginning farmers and ranchers to secure farmland in Idaho
- Applications of gender-sorted semen in commercial beef operations
- Extending the grazing season with warm season annuals
- Feed efficiency — is it related to other important traits?
- Community wellness volunteers learn skills to build a culture of health in communities
- Well Connected Communities initiative: Building a culture of health in Idaho
- Reusable water bottle education results in behavior change
- Idaho Food Safety Cooperative helps food manufacturers
- Virtual cooking club brings youth and families together in their home kitchens
- Meat cutting and electric pressure cooker demonstrations highlight holiday workshop
- Idaho Falls police department learns about fueling for success is key to optimal health
- Our Financial Conference… the flip-side — it’s impact on small financial businesses
- Changing cooking behaviors helps save money at a local grocery store
- Partners inspiring community health (PICH)
- A little healthy competition makes for a successful healthy food drive