Internal Dry Scale and Associated Bulb Rots of Onion
Onion growers and packers in the Pacific Northwest have observed a problem on red, white and yellow cultivars: internal dry scale. Bulbs affected by internal dry scale have dead inner scales that...
Iris Yellow Spot Virus: A Threat to Seed- and Bulb-Onion Crops in Idaho
Iris Yellow Spot Virus is a powerful viral pathogen that drastically slows onion growth, leading to major crop loss and higher production costs. It first appeared in Idaho in 1989, but has since...
Nematodes Associated with Onion in Idaho and Eastern Oregon
The most common nematodes on onion in Idaho and eastern Oregon are root-lesion nematodes ( Pratylenchus spp.), root-knot nematode ( Meloidognye hapla ), stem nematode ( Ditylenchus dipsaci ) and...
Nitrogen Uptake and Utilization by Pacific Northwest Field Crops
This publication is geared to promoting an understanding of the timing and pattern of biomass accumulation and nitrogen (N) uptake for crops in the Pacific Northwest. Proper use of N-based...
This two-page fact sheet for use in the field offers recommendations for growing onions in Idaho, with pointers or information on growth stages and development, planting, fertilization, irrigation,...
Pink Root Disease of Onion: Biology and Control
Pink root is one of the most significant diseases of onion in the Treasure Valley of Idaho and Oregon. Nearly one-quarter of susceptible onion losses are due to it. Learn what the symptoms are,...
Describes the management practices that prevent leaching of nitrogen from cull onion burial pits, including site selection, pit development, loading and disposal of cull onions in pits, pit...
Strip-tillage for Onions and Sweet Corn, Lorin Grigg (Farmer-to-Farmer Case Study Series)
Lorin Grigg grows onions and sweet corn under sprinkler irrigation in Quincy, Washington. In this publication, Grigg discusses his strategy for cover cropping to protect seedlings from windblown...
Uniform Plant Stand Is Key to Crop Yield and Quality
Because it affects all aspects of crop production, uniform stand establishment is vital for healthy crop production. Learn about the factors that enable growers to realize this important objective,...