2021 PNW Plant Disease Management Handbook
March 31, 2021
A comprehensive guide to plant disease management in the Pacific Northwest.
Includes materials and tactics suitable for organic production and homeowner use as well as for commercial production. Covers testing services, common pathogens (e.g., nematodes, viruses, fungi and bacteria, as well as Phytophthora diseases), nonpathogenic phenomena (e.g., thatch, algae and lichens) and pesticides for disease control. Contains an alphabetical listing, by host plant, of diseases, including their causes, symptoms, and recommended cultural and chemical controls.
Fully indexed. Updated biannually (March and August).
The handbook is three-ring binder ready, published as a package with full-color slip cover and spine and three-hole drilled body. Binder not included.
Editors: Jay W. Pscheidt and Cynthia M. Ocamb, Revised May 2021
998 pages
Orders for the printed handbook are filled through Oregon State University
Toll-free: 1-800-561-6719
Email: puborders@oregonstate.edu
To order: https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/plant