Salary Information
The Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President is responsible for overseeing the faculty personnel system (Faculty-Staff Handbook 1420.A-2). Questions related to faculty employment should be emailed to this office. Human Resources oversees the classified and professional employee personnel system. Direct questions related to staff and professional employees to HR.
This office provides Market-Based Compensation information and updates about Deferred Pay Implementation.
Faculty Contract and Salary Agreement
The Faculty contract and salary agreement defines the contract of employment each year, and during the summer when applicable. This includes information regarding:
- Period of the appointment
- Salary
- Pay periods
- Position title
- Employment status
- Other information elected by the institution in order to define the contract of employment.
Additional Resources
Relevant Policies
- FSH 3120: Faculty Obligations During Period of Appointment
- FSH 3260: Professional Consulting and Additional Workload
- FSH 3480: Compensation for Service in Additional Regular Duties
Additional Compensation and Salary Changes
- Faculty Temporary Salary Change or Supplemental Compensation Form
- Personnel Decision Chart (Excel)
- Incentive Pay Form (Word)
FY2021 Spread Pay Election
- FY2021 Spread Pay Election & FAQ
Scroll to the last section at the bottom of the page
FY24 CEC Summary Dec. 1, 2023
U of I Office of Finance and Administration presents a summary of the FY24 Change in Employee Compensation program to deans and unit administrators.