Enter Grades and Corrections
Primary instructors enter midterm and final grades and grade corrections through Faculty Grade Entry. Early Progress Grades are entered through Faculty and Advisor Self-Service or the Grade Entry card on MyUI. Midterm grades are immediately viewable to students as they are submitted. Final grades are not viewable to students until they are processed and posted by the Registrar. Grade corrections can be submitted up to one year after the original grade was submitted (e.g. original grade for Fall 2027 can be changed through the last day of Fall 2028). Submitting final grades for incomplete or in-progress grades are considered grade corrections and follow the correction process.
Grading Tips
Early Progress Grades are entered through Faculty and Advisor Self-Service or the Grade Entry card on MyUI.
- Visit Faculty Grade Entry.
- Select either Midterm Grades or Final Grades to enter or upload grades; see Quick Instructional Guide or Detailed Instructional Guide for help.
If the final grade for a student is F (failing) or N (no pass/English), a Last Attend Date must also be entered due to federal regulation. The Last Attend Date must be entered in the proper format of MM/DD/YYYY and must be within the dates of the class. An entry error will occur if the date is not entered correctly and no entries will be saved. Error messages will be displayed at the top of the roster as well as to the right of the student(s) listed.
One way to prevent re-entry of all grades with errors, is to enter all passing grades first and save by selecting Submit. Then return and enter the F grades individually for each student, submitting after each.
A student must meets the regulation for earning an incomplete. Incomplete grades are not "place holders" and may not be used unless the student has met the requirements for being granted such. Incomplete grades are not punitive, but remain a permanent part of the student's transcript.
Select the I (incomplete) under the Grade option for the student on the Final Grade Roster. Upon submission of an incomplete grade on a roster, you will be directed to the Incomplete Final Grade page where you must also:
select an Incomplete Final Grade from the drop-down; this is the reversion grade the student will earn if no further work is completed. This grade does not include work yet to be completed, since the work is incomplete.
The incomplete Reversion Date is automatically set to the latest possible date for completion; do not change the default date as it will result in a grading error. Instructors may require the student to finish sooner and assign a final grade by submitting a grade correction, if the student does not complete at that time.
Incomplete grades cannot be extended beyond the Reversion Date without an academic petition.
Once the student has completed the work for the incomplete, instructors need to enter the final grade by submitting a grade correction.
To request a grade correction or submit a final grade for an incomplete:
- Visit Grade Change and Grade Completion Request
- Choose semester from drop-down list
- Choose class from drop-down list
- Locate the student on the roster and select New Grade from drop-down list
- Click "Save Changes"
Your request will be sent to the Registrar's Office for review and processing the following business day. An automated email will be sent to you and the student confirming the correction has been made. If you did not submit the request, please contact the Registrar immediately.