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College of Graduate Studies

Physical Address:
Morrill Hall Room 104

Mailing Address:
College of Graduate Studies
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3017
Moscow, ID 83844-3017

Phone: 208-885-2647



Outstanding Graduate Student Research and Creative Activity Award


This award is part of the College of Graduate Studies’ continuing efforts to recognize and encourage excellence in research and creative activity by graduate students at the University of Idaho. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to nominate outstanding graduate students for this award.


Nominees must be students who were or are currently enrolled in a University of Idaho graduate program in summer 2023, fall 2023 and/or spring 2024, and who accomplished their research or creative work through their graduate program at the University of Idaho.

Selection Criteria

  • Quality, significance and extent of research or creative accomplishments
  • Communication to appropriate audiences

The Award

The recipient will receive a gift and $1000. The awards will be announced at the Excellence Awards Ceremony in April.

Nomination Process

All nomination materials must be submitted via the Excellence Awards Nomination Form.

  1. A letter, signed by the nominator, which includes the nominee’s name, unit, college, degree program, and progress toward degree. The nomination letter should describe in detail the quality, significance and extent of the research or creative activity; and the methods by which it was communicated to appropriate audiences in the form of presentations, performances, exhibitions, recitals or publications. The letter should not exceed three pages. Only one nomination letter will be accepted. The nomination letter must be clearly identified as a nomination letter.

  2. A brief (1-2 page) personal statement from the nominee outlining their accomplishments while a student at the University of Idaho.

  3. A curriculum vita that clearly lists the nominees’ publications, patents, performances and/or exhibits accomplished at U of I, participation in academic and professional organizations, and recognitions and awards etc.

  4. Reprints, preprints, reviews, or other documentation may be included provided that the information is restricted to the work on which the nomination is based. The nomination packet is limited to a single manuscript or supporting creative work.

  5. Two additional letters of support which demonstrate how the candidate's research or creative activity will impact their field. The support letters must be clearly marked "letter of support" rather than a nomination letter.

Selection Process

An interdisciplinary selection committee composed of faculty and graduate students will review nominations and select the award recipients.


Visit the Excellence Awards website to view the nomination deadline. COGS will not accept incomplete nomination packets. It is the duty of the Nominator and Nominee to gather all necessary materials for a completed nomination application. Nominations must adhere to the length guidelines above.


College of Graduate Studies

Physical Address:
Morrill Hall Room 104

Mailing Address:
College of Graduate Studies
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3017
Moscow, ID 83844-3017

Phone: 208-885-2647

