Matt Falcy
Matt Falcy, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Biometrics and Assistant Unit Leader, Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
CNR 105A
Department of Fish and Wildlife Sciences
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1141
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1141
Earned Degrees
- Ph.D., Iowa State University, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology with minor in Statistics, 2011.
- M.S., Universidad de Chile, Forest Science, 2004.
- M.E.M. Portland State University, Environmental Management, 2002.
- B.S., UC Davis. Biological Sciences,1997.
Research Interests
- Ecological modeling
- Population dynamics
- Bayesian analysis
- Structured decision making
Falcy, M.R. 2021. Using Social values in the prioritization of research: Quantitative examples and generalizations. Ecology and Evolution 11:18000-18010.
Falcy, M.R. 2018. A cost-optimization framework for planning applied environmental science. BioScience 68:912-922
Falcy, M.R. and Suring, E. 2018. Detecting the effects of management regime shifts in dynamic environments using multi-population state-space models. Biological Conservation 221:34-43.
Falcy, M.R. 2016. Conservation decision making: Integrating the precautionary principle with uncertainty. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14:499-504.
Falcy, M.R. 2015. Righting the resource management ship: a response to Grose. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 30:294-295.
Falcy, M.R. 2015. Density-dependent habitat selection of spawning Chinook salmon: broad scale evidence and implications. Journal of Animal Ecology 84: 545-553.
Falcy, M.R., and Danielson, B.J. 2014. Post-hurricane recovery and long-term viability of the Alabama beach mouse. Biological Conservation 178: 28-36.
Falcy, M.R., and Danielson, B.J. 2013. A complex relationship between moonlight and temperature on the foraging behavior of the Alabama beach mouse. Ecology 94: 2632-2637.