FOR 501 – SEMINAR: Current Issues in Forest, Rangeland & Fire Sciences
These seminars are intended to capture and highlight the diversity of disciplines and research interests in FRFS and to introduce FRFS graduate students to research beyond their individual discipline programs. The seminar provides an opportunity to invite speakers from outside the FRFS community to share research that is related to that of our faculty, research scientists, and graduate students. Importantly, the seminars provide graduate students with opportunities to participate in scholarly discussions that hone critical thinking skills.
Recent Recordings
Fall 2022
October 5: Tonya Haigh "Making Drought Science More Useful to Ranchers' Decision-making and Management"
September 28: Ed Brunson "The Joint Fire Science Program: Challenges and Opportunities 2023-2028"
September 14: Justin Mathias "Historical Responses and Future Trajectories of Forest Function under Climate Change"
August 31: Francisco Rego "The Chemistry of Extreme Wildfires"
Francisco Rego - The Chemistry of Extreme Wildfires
Francisco Rego, professor at the University of Lisbon, discusses chemistry and how it's displayed in large wildfires.
Justin Mathias - Forest Function Under Climate Change
Justin Mathias discusses historical responses and future trajectories of forest function under climate change.
Ed Brunson – Joint Fire Science Program
Ed Brunson discusses the challenges and opportunities for the Joint Fire Science Program for 2023 - 2028.
Tonya Haigh – Making Drought Science More Useful to Decision-making and Management
A discussion on what makes drought science usable and actionable in decision-making.
Society of Ecological Restoration - Land owners and restoration of private lands.
SER hosts two land owner from Deary, ID who are doing extensive restoration on their own property.
Steve Culman - Impact of natural gas pipeline installations in Ohio: soils, crops and landowner experiences
Steve Culman, Associate Professor in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences at Washington State University