Kattlyn Wolf
Kattlyn Wolf
Ag Education, Room 104
Agricultural Education, Leadership & Communications
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2040
Moscow, ID 83844-2040
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Department of Agricultural Education, Leadership and Communications
Ph.D., Ohio State University, 2008
M.S., University of Arizona, 2006
B.S., University of Wyoming, 2002
B.S., University of Wyoming, 2000
- AgEd 140: Introduction to Organizational and Personal Leadership Development
- AgEd 250: Developing State FFA Officers
- AgEd 358: Supervising FFA and SAE Programs
- AgEd 451: Communicating in Agriculture
- AgEd 453: Program Planning in Secondary Agricultural Education
- AgEd 460: Practicum: Secondary School Teaching in Agriculture
- AgEd 461: Student Teaching Portfolio
- Hite, R. R., Fletcher, E., Bruening, P., Durr, A., Yontz, B., Zatezalo, R., Williams, N., & Wolf, K. (2009). The preparation, roles and responsibilities of teacher educators. In A. Selkirk & M. Tichenor (Eds.), Teacher Education: Policy, Practice and Research. New York: Nova Publishers.
- Wolf, K. J., & Connors, J. (2009). Winning the War: An historical analysis of the FFA during World War II. The Journal of Agricultural Education, 50(2), 113-123.
- Wolf. K. J., & Miller, L.E. (May, 2009). Agriculture Education Teacher Self-Efficacy: A Descriptive Study of Beginning Agricultural Education Teachers. Paper presented at the NAERC/AAAE meeting, Louisville, KY.
- Velez, J. J., Cano, J., Whittington, M. S., & Wolf, K. J. Peer Teaching: Cultivating Change in Both the Students and the Classroom. Paper presented at the NAERC/AAAE meeting, Louisville, KY. Outstanding Research Paper Presentation.
- Wolf. K. J., & Miller, L.E. (April, 2009). Agriculture Education Teacher Self-Efficacy: A Descriptive Study of Beginning Agricultural Education Teachers. Paper presented at the Western Region AAAE meeting, South Lake Tahoe, NV. Distinguished Manuscript.
Kattlyn Wolf received her bachelor’s in animal science in 2000 and vocational agriculture in 2002 from the University of Wyoming. She was a member of the Collegiate Meat Judging Team, Sigma Alpha, Alpha Tau Alpha, Block and Bridle and Collegiate FFA and was one of two College of Agriculture Senators in the Associated Students of the University of Wyoming. She received her honorary state FFA degree from Wyoming in 2005.