Join the U of I Boise Graduate and Professional Student Association
About GPSA
The Graduate & Professional Student Association (GPSA) supports and promotes graduate student education, campus sustainability and graduate student life at the University of Idaho. This includes funding awards related to professional travel, publication, and workshops and creating programs and assisting graduate students during their transition from student to professional life.
Getting Involved
If you would like to be on the committee, members receive a nominal stipend for their attendance and involvement.
If you are interested in joining, contact Denise Engebrecht at or 208-364-6123. It will be first-come, first-chosen, so get involved!
U of I Boise GPSA Committee Members
The GPSA committee is composed of a chair, co-chair and member representatives from each of the academic departments that have graduate programs (including College of Law and WWAMI).
Nicole Hucke Nunez (College of Engineering)
GPSA Chair
Omar Rojas Flores (College of Law)
GPSA Co-Chair
Kohl Friery (College of Education)
GPSA Member
Mallory Buscemi (College of Art & Architecture)
GPSA Member
Elana Salzman (Director of Career Development)
GPSA Staff Representative
Email Elana
Denise Engebrecht (Academic Programs and Student Services Manager)
GPSA Staff Representative
Email Denise