The Department of Mathematics and Statistical Science offers two Bachelor of Science degrees, two academic minors, one Master of Arts in Teaching degree, two Master of Science degrees, one Doctor of Philosophy degree, and two academic certificates.
Undergraduate Degrees
The two Bachelor of Science degrees available in the Department of Mathematics and Statistical Science are: B.S. in Mathematics and B.S. in Statistics. They offer multiple options that allow students to tailor their learning to match their interests and career goals.
The Bachelor of Science degrees offer enough preparation for students wishing to pursue a graduate degree. Students can also become certified to teach secondary school by completing any of the mathematics degrees and a few courses in the College of Education, Health and Human Sciences.
The department offers two minors: Mathematics and Statistics. Adding a minor helps students build stronger credentials for employment and improve opportunities to attend graduate school. For many undergraduate students, adding a minor only requires a few extra courses. If you are a current student, check the "What If" feature in Degree Audit to see how close you are to adding a minor.
Dual Majors
Students interested in other applications of mathematics or statistics are encouraged to pursue a dual major. Possible dual majors include computer science, physics, business, or education.
Graduate Degrees
At the graduate level, the department offers several degree programs. In Mathematics, students can earn a Master of Arts in Teaching degree, a Master of Science degree, or a Doctor of Philosophy. In Statistical Science, students can earn a Master of Science degree (available on-campus or via distance learning). In addition, the department is also part of an interdisciplinary graduate program in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.
Graduate Certificates
We offer two graduate certificates: Statistics and Data Science. The certificate programs enhance your ability to apply statistical methodologies in your chosen field.