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Resources and Information

The University of Idaho and the University of Phoenix intend, with proper approvals, to affiliate with the goal of increasing access to all learners, improving capacity for supporting all learners and helping all learners achieve their higher education goals.

View the University of Phoenix Affiliation FAQ for more information.

Please review the FAQ for guidance regarding No Public Funds for Abortion Act (NPFAA).

The university commissioned an independent study into allegations of indoctrination and misuse of diversity and inclusion initiatives. The study concludes there is no wrongdoing on the part of the university.

In 2022, Emsi, an independent and respected economic analysis firm located in Idaho, released a study commissioned by the Idaho State Board of Education, showing that Idaho’s investment in higher education helped provide cumulative impact of more than $4.5 billion in 2019-20. The full report is available for download below.

The Economic Value of Idaho Public Colleges and Universities (PDF)

SBOE Transition to Postsecondary Dashboard

The Idaho State Board of Education maintains a Data Dashboard with resources about K-12 schools and higher education institutions, alongside the state Education department’s K-12 Report Card. The “Transition to Postsecondary” dashboard provides information about college readiness, admissions criteria, scholarship opportunities and more. Of particular note to high school seniors, the site explains the Direct Admissions streamlined college acceptance program as well as the state’s Opportunity Scholarship awards.

Life after High School

Commissioned by then-President Staben, the “Life after High School” study by U of I’s James A. and Louise McClure Center for Public Policy Research examines the post-secondary plans of recent high school graduates. The survey will help education leaders across the state better understand the factors that inform and can improve Idaho’s low “go-on” rates. Concerns about cost, lack of full awareness about the financial benefits of higher education, and a persistent gender gap are several of the key findings from the study.

Complete College Idaho

Complete College Idaho is an initiative of the State Board of Education. The initiative’s goal is for Idahoans ages 25-34 to possess a degree or certificate by 2020. The University of Idaho is committed to supporting the initiative with an emphasis on expanded access to a transformative educational experience in higher education.

Next Steps Idaho

A statewide initiative sponsored by the Idaho State Board of Education, Next Steps Idaho helps prepare Idaho students for life after high school. Students and parents will find clear information, resources and tools to begin preparing for their future with continued education and training after high school. The Next Steps Idaho initiative supports the state’s Complete College Idaho goals of 60 percent of Idahoans ages 25-34 possess a degree or certificate by 2020.

SBOE Postsecondary Education Dashboard

The Idaho State Board of Education’s Data Dashboard also includes a “Postsecondary Education” dashboard. The site offers detailed data about the state’s two-year and four-year schools, as well as system-wide performance. The information offered includes institutional success metrics such as remediation, retention and graduation rates. Parents, students and taxpayers can do a “deep dive” on data points and/or use the information to compare institutions.

College Scorecard

According to the federal government’s College Scorecard, the University of Idaho is the statewide leader in graduation rate, salaries after graduation and affordability, also topping the national average in all three indicators of higher education excellence. Visit the College Scorecard site for an in-depth institution profile and to compare institutions on the metrics that matter for student success.

2018-2019 PayScale College Salary Report

The 2018-2019 PayScale College Salary Report demonstrates the bright financial future for U of I graduates. U of I alumni earn the highest early- and mid-career salaries of graduates from any public four-year institution in Idaho. U of I awards the highest percentage of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) degrees in the state.

The Federal Reserve, “Is It Still Worth Going to College?”"

There are many competing claims about the value of a college degree, some of which downplay the necessity of a degree for financial prosperity. However, no less an authority than the Federal Reserve has studied the financial impact of attaining a college degree versus not attaining one, finding that the average financial return exceeds $800,000 over the course of a career. The Federal Reserve concludes: “The average college graduate paying annual tuition of about $20,000 can recoup the costs of schooling by age 40. After that, the difference between earnings continues such that the average college graduate earns over $800,000 more than the average high school graduate by retirement age.”

Great Jobs, Great Lives: The 2014 Gallup-Purdue Index Report

Higher education is increasingly the pathway to a good job in America, and a good job is the key to a life filled with meaning and satisfaction. This report by Gallup measures the “well-being” of Americans across five areas: purpose well-being, social well-being, financial well-being, community well-being and physical well-being. The findings suggest that engagement at work is critical to a “thriving” well-being, and a great college experience like one finds at U of I is the road forward to find that engaging job. The study shows that “feeling supported and having deep learning experiences means everything when it comes to long-term outcomes for college graduates.”

The Lincoln Project

A public research university is not an expense, it is an investment. The Lincoln Project, an initiative of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, explores the evolving funding model that is reshaping access and affordability at higher education institutions across the nation. The initiative is premised on this idea: “In a global economy that requires both an educated citizenry and a robust national research enterprise, public higher education is not a luxury: it is the foundation of our competitiveness.” Three reports are available for download.

Contact Us

Physical Address:
Administration Building
Room 105
Moscow, ID

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 3151
Moscow, ID
