Board Members
Roopal Jani | Co-President Staff
Director of Student Services and Stakeholder Engagement, College of Science
Email Roopal
Mya Groza | Co-President Faculty
Associate Dean, Department Head, Department of Business and Associate Professor of Marketing, College of Business and Economics
Email Mya
Bethany Martens | Co-Vice President Staff
Career Consultant, Career Services
Email Bethany
Rula Awwad-Rafferty | Co-Vice President Faculty
Professor and Chair, Department of Design and Environments
Email Rula
Rita Franco | Staff Member-at-Large
Research Assistant, Margaret Ritchie School of Family and Consumer Sciences
Stefanie Ramirez | Faculty Member-at-Large
Associate Professor of Economics, College of Business and Economics
Email Stefanie
Omni Francetich | Communications and Marketing Chair
Web Coordinator, University Communications and Marketing
Email Omni
Cori Damron | Secretary & Treasurer
Assistant Director of Violence Prevention Programs, Dean of Students Office
Email Cori
Sunny Wallace | Boise Representative
Chief of Staff, Office of the President
Email Sunny
Sara Matthews | Coeur d'Alene Representative
Senior Instructor, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Email Sara
Yolanda Bisbee | ACE Institutional Representative
Executive Director of Tribal Relations
Email Yolanda
Vacant | Idaho Falls Representative