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60.20 - Contracts and Agreements Approval Matrix


  • Position: Purchasing Services Director
  • Email:

Last updated: August 24, 2005

A. General. As UI enters and engages in multiple contracts and agreements during a fiscal year, the requirement for continuing proper and adequate authorization becomes paramount. Given the extreme variety of contractual and agreement types, the number and type of administrative reviews and approvals become somewhat complex. The following group of approval matrixes identify minimum review and approval processes, but in no way relieve departments or colleges from ensuring that any unusual or unique agreements are properly reviewed and authorized by appropriate levels of administration. The following transaction types are identified by subject:

Section A-1: Construction Projects

Section A-2: Real Estate Transactions

Section A-3: Tangible Property Purchases

Section A-4: Professional Services Contracts/Agreements

Section A-5: Disposal of Personal Property/Sale of Services/Transfers

Section A-6: Research Grants/Contracts

Section A-7: Student Fees and/or Tuition

Section A-8: Miscellaneous Contracts and/or Agreements

A-1. Construction Projects. The following matrix serves as a guide for determining the types of authorization required for various funding levels of UI Capital Construction Projects on or off-campus locations.

Construction Projects by Funding Levels Initial Review and Approval Admin Review and Approval VP Approval Regents Approval






$1 to $10,000 Supervisor or Foreman FMO Manager No No
$10,001 to $250,000 Program Manager FMO Director No No
$250,001 to $500,000 AES Director VP Fin & Admin Yes Yes, Exec Director
$500,001 plus AES Director VP Fin & Admin Yes Yes

FMO = Facilities Maintenance & Operations AES = Architectural Engineering Services

A-1. Construction Projects (cont). The following matrix serves as a guide for Agency Option Contracts (AOC), basically light construction operations.

Construction Projects by Funding Levels Initial Review and Approval Admin Review and Approval VP Approval Regents Approval






AOC: $1 to $100,000 Program Manager FMO Director No No

A-2. Real Estate (purchase, sale, lease easements, exchange, transfer, etc.). The following matrix serves as a guide for determining the types of authorization required for various contracts or agreements for Real Estate transactions on or off-campus locations.

Real Property Transactions Initial Review and Approval Admin Review and Approval VP Approval Regents Approval






Temporary Permits Real Estate Officer Legal Counsel (LC) Cap Plan/Budget Dir Yes No
Leases of Institutional Property Real Estate Officer Legal Counsel Cap Plan/Budget Dir Yes Yes
Easements FMO Director/ Real Estate Officer Legal Counsel Cap Plan/Budget Dir Yes Yes
Transfers Real Estate Officer Legal Counsel Cap Plan/Budget Dir Yes Yes
Acquisitions (options, leases, etc. -other than temporary permits FMO Director/ Real Estate Officer Legal Counsel Cap Plan/Budget Dir Yes Yes
Leases of Office Space FMO Director/ Real Estate Officer Legal Counsel Cap Plan/Budget Dir Yes Yes
Exchanges Real Estate Officer Legal Counsel Cap Plan/Budget Dir Yes Yes
Land Use for Test Plots at No Cost for Research Director IAES Real Estate Officer Director, B&A No No

A-3. Tangible Property Transactions. The following matrix serves as a guide for determining the types of authorization required for various Purchases of UI Tangible Property on or off-campus.

Tangible Property Transactions Initial Review and Approval Admin Review and Approval VP Approval Regents Approval






Equipment Items: $1 to $5,000 Dept Chair/Dean/ and/or Director Dean and/or Director No No
Equipment Items: $5,001 to $50,000 (need RFQ) Dept Chair Dean and/or /Director Purchasing Manager No No
Equipment Items: $50,001 to $250,000 (need RFB) Dept Chair Dean and/or Director Purchasing Manager Yes No
Equipment Items: $250,000 to $500,000 (need RFB) Dept Chair Dean and/or Director Purchasing Manager Yes Yes, Exec Director
Equipment Items: $500,000 + Dept Chair Dean and/or Director Purchasing Manager Yes Yes
Data Processing Equipment $250,000 to $500,000 Dept Chair Dean and/or Director Purchasing Manager Yes Yes, Exec Director
Data Processing Equipment $500,000 + Dept Chair Dean and/or Director Purchasing Manager Yes Yes
Administrative Systems Software Dept Chair Dean and/or Director Purchasing Manager Yes Yes, Exec Director

RFQ = Request for Quotation [See 60.10] RFB = Request for Bids [See 60.11] Note: All equipment that requires utilities, i.e., electrical, water, air, gas, campus backbone, etc., should have FMO Director review and approval.

A-4. Professional Services. The following matrix serves as a guide for determining the types of authorization required for various contracts or agreements for Professional Services on or off-campus locations.

Professional Services Initial Review and Approval Admin Review and Approval VP Approval Regents Approval






Continuing or retainer capital projects expertise. Project Manager AES Director Yes Reported
Consulting Agreements * To $250,000 Dean/Director Asst VP, BAAS Yes No
Consulting Agreements * $250,000 to $500,000 Dean/Director Asst VP, BAAS Yes Yes, Exec Director
Consulting Agreements * $500,000+ Dean/Director Asst VP, BAAS Yes Yes,
Research Assignments Dean VP Research Yes & Provost Reported
Teaching Assignments Dean VP Research Yes & Provost Reported
Maintenance Agreements FMO Director Purchasing Mgr, LC No No
Utilities (Gas/Electric) FMO Manager FMO Director, LC Yes No
Airplane Charters Dean/Director Purchasing Mgr Admin Affairs Dir No No
Police and Fire Agreements Risk Manager Asst VP, BAAS, LC Yes Reported
Banking Institutions Asst VP, BAAS Asst VP, BAAS, LC Yes Yes
Banking Agreements Asst VP, BAAS Asst VP, BAAS, LC Yes No
External Auditors VP Fin & Admin Asst VP, BAAS, LC Yes Yes
Misc Service Contracts Asst VP, BAAS Legal Counsel Yes No

* Non-facility related LC = Legal Counsel BAAS = Business and Accounting Services

A-5. Disposal of Personal Property/Sale of Services/Interagency Transfers. The following matrix serves as a guide for determining the types of authorization required for Disposal of Personal Property, Sale of Services and/or Interagency Transfers.

Sales and/or Transfers Initial Review and Approval Admin Review and Approval VP Approval Regents Approval






Disposal of UI Chattel Property (over $15,000) Dept Chair/Dean and/or Director Director, Auxiliaries Yes Yes
Sale of UI Services (over $15,000 proceeds) Dept Chair/Dean and/or Director Various Purchasing Mgr Yes Yes
Interagency Transfers (State Board Institutions) (over $15,000) Dept Chair/Dean and/or Director Director, Auxiliaries Yes Yes

A-6. Research Grants and Contracts. The following matrix serves as a guide for determining the types of authorization required for UI Research Grants and Contracts.

Research Grants & Contracts Initial Review and Approval Admin Review and Approval VP Approval Regents Approval






Proposals from UI Depts/Colleges University Research Office (URO) Delegated to URO/ Asst VP, BAAS No No
Acceptance Grants & Contracts Office Asst VP, BAAS No Reported
Subgrants or Contracts Grants & Contracts Office Asst VP, BAAS No Reported
Waiver of Indirect Cost --Any Amount Grants & Contracts Office VP Research No Reported
Future Institutional Funding or Facilities Obligations (Impact) Grants & Contracts Office Asst VP, BAAS Yes Yes, Exec Director

* Approval of Risk Manager required for non-student insurance/indemnification premiums

A-7. Student Fees and/or Tuition. The following matrix serves as a guide for determining the types of authorization required for various Student Fees and/or Tuition.

Student Fees and/or Tuition Initial Review and Approval Admin Review and Approval VP Approval Regents Approval






Student Health Insurance Risk Manager Purchasing Mgr Yes UI President Reported
Student Board and Room Rates Director Housing Director, Auxiliaries Yes UI President Reported
Activity and Facility Fees Director/Manager Director, Auxiliaries Yes UI President Reported
Special Course Fees or Student Assessments Dept Chair and/or Director Provost Yes UI President Reported
Student Tuition Dean/Director Provost Yes Yes
Student Matriculation Fees Dean/Director Provost Yes Yes
Part-time Education Fees Dean/Director Provost Yes Yes
Graduate Fee Dean/Director Provost Yes Yes
Summer School Fee Dean/Director Provost Yes Yes
Professional Fees Dean/Director Provost Yes Yes
Course Overload Fees Dean/Director Provost Yes Yes
Vocational Education Fees Dean/Director Provost Yes Yes

A-8. Miscellaneous Contracts and/or Agreements. The following matrix serves as a guide for determining the types of authorization required for various funding levels of Miscellaneous Contracts and/or Agreements on or off-campus locations.

Miscellaneous Grants and/or Contracts Initial Review and Approval Admin Review and Approval VP Approval Regents Approval






Entertainment * Events Director Risk Manager Asst VP, BAAS No No
License Agreements * Misc Risk Manager Asst VP, BAAS No No
Insurance: Small Group Accident; Employee Medical, etc. Risk Manager Legal Counsel Yes Yes
Facilities Use * Events Director Director, Auxiliaries Dean and/or Director Yes & Provost No
Cooperative Educ Agreements -Domestic & International * Dept Head Dean and/or Director Yes Yes
Affiliation and/or Articulation Agreements; Memoranda of Under-standing [See 60.21] * Dept Head Dean and/or Director Yes & Provost No ---- unless fiscal obligation
Interagency Agreements with Idaho Agencies (I.C. 67-2332) Dean/Director Risk Manager Legal Counsel Yes Yes

* Risk Manager reviews and approves all insurance/indemnification agreements

B. Contract/Agreement Review & Approval Log. Any contracts entered into based on the above approval matrix requiring the signature of the Vice President for Finance and Administration or his/her designee, also require authorization via the Contract/Agreement Review & Approval Log. [See 60.22] This particular document is required of the administrator initiating the agreement and/or contract.

Version History

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119
