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Choosing to Move More Throughout the Day
Participants will learn the importance of physical activity for children, adolescents, and adults, how much physical activity is recommended to gain health benefits, and ideas on how to incorporate more physical activity into their everyday lives.
Choosing More Fruits and Vegetables
Participants will learn the nutritional importance of vegetables and fruits, how to increase the amount and variety of vegetables and fruits eaten, how to save money when buying vegetables and fruit, and set a goal to increase vegetables and fruits in their meals.
Fix it Safe
Participants will learn the simple food safety practices of clean, separate, cook, and chill and set one food safety goal.
Plan: Know What’s for Dinner
Participants will learn how to use meal planning to save time and money, to help them eat smart, and to develop a one week meal plan and grocery list for their planned menu.
Shop: Get the Best for Less
Participants will learn how to use a shopping list, read unit pricing labels to select the best buy, and use in store ads, newspapers, and coupons to get the most for their money.
Shop for Value, Check the Facts
Participants will learn how to use food labels to compare the nutritional value of different foods, help control portion sizes, and to help identify whole grain products, high fiber, low-fat, and low sodium food items.
Cooking Matters at the Grocery Store
Participants will meet at the store to learn economical ways of purchasing fruits and vegetables, how to compare unit prices, how to compare food labels and how to identify whole grain foods.
Choose Health: Food, Fun, and Fitness
Participants in Choose Health: Food, Fun, and Fitness classes will gain knowledge and skills that promote healthy eating and active play.
Handwashing/Germ City
Participants will learn the importance of hand washing to prevent disease transmission and improve effectiveness and frequency of hand washing.
Drink Low-Fat Milk and Water Instead of Sweetened Drinks
Participants will learn the importance of drinking low-fat milk and water instead of sweetened drinks, visualize sugar in popular drinks, practice reading Nutrition Facts Labels, and distinguish between drinks to have daily and those to have occasionally.
Color Your Plate: Eat More Vegetables and Fruits
Participants will visualize the amounts and types of vegetables and fruits to eat daily and practice creating healthy plates for a day.
Read it Before You Eat it! The Nutrition Facts Label
Participants will learn how to read Nutrition Facts Labels for fat and sugar.
Make Half Your Grains Whole! Eat More Whole Grains
Participants will learn how nutrients and fiber are removed when grains are processed, practice determining if a food is made from whole grains, and taste whole grain food.
Healthier Foods – Fast: Eat Fewer High-Fat, High-Sugar Foods
Participants will discover why fast and convenience foods may not be healthy, visualize the fat in typical fast foods and experience healthier foods that can be prepared quickly.
Power Up Your Day: Eat Breakfast!
Participants will learn what makes a healthy breakfast and compare the sugar, fat and fiber in various breakfast foods.
Go Glow Grow: A Nutrition Curriculum for Preschoolers:
Participants in Go Glow Grow classes will learn to recognize MyPlate and know that is a guide to healthy eating, identify go glow grow foods, know that they need physical activity every day, and know when and how to appropriately wash their hands.