Gardening and Horticulture Resources
Plan Basics: Environmental USDA
Plant Hardiness Zone
Urban Farmer: Vegetable Planting Calendar
Garden Plan: Family Assessment
Assessment Worksheet
Garden Plan: Calculated Numbers
Garden Planning Tables
Garden Plan
Garden Production
Planting Dates
USDA Complete Guide to Home Canning
UI Extension: Food Preservation & Safety
PNW 214: Freezing Fruits and Vegetables
PNW 397: Drying Fruits and Vegetables
PNW 199: Canning Fruits
PNW 300: Canning Tomatoes and Tomato Products
PNW 395: Salsa Recipes for Canning
PNW 172: Canning Vegetables
PNW 355: Picking Vegetables
University of Idaho Extension Resources
University of Idaho Extension, Benewah County
Pacific Northwest Pest Alert Network