Climate and Weather Resources
Historical climate data for Idaho
- Access historical climate data from land-based weather stations in Idaho through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI).
- Climate Normals (30-year averages of temperature and precipitation) calculated by NCEI.
- The U.S. Drought Monitor (USDM) provides maps of current drought conditions, forecasts and other drought information for Idaho and the U.S. Idaho Climate Service partners with Idaho agencies to assess evolving drought conditions and demarcate drought severity boundaries for the USDM maps.
Mountain snow
- Most of the water found in Idaho’s rivers, streams, lakes and even groundwater originates as winter snowpack in the mountains. Spring and summer snowmelt delivers runoff to rivers where it provides recreation, irrigation, environmental flows, municipal and industrial supplies, and a myriad of other uses.
- Maps of real-time mountain snow observations from the Snow Telemetry Network operated by the USDA’s Natural Resource Conservation Service.
Streamflow and water supply
- Access data from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s Hydromet network of Hydrologic and Meteorologic monitoring stations throughout the Pacific Northwest.
- Access U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow data for Idaho.
- Evaporation affects the amount of irrigation water needed to grow crops. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s AgriMet network collects weather data and calculates evaporation at a network of stations across Idaho and the western U.S.
Weather Alerts
Special Weather Statement issued February 22 at 5:49AM PST by NWS Spokane WA
A wintry mix of preciptiation is moving through North Idaho early this morning and is expected to continue for the next 1-2 hours. At 5:30 AM PST, a spotter reported a mix of freezing rain, snow, and sleet creating icy conditions on side streets in Sandpoint. Take it slow if heading out the door this morning. Read more
Hydrologic Outlook issued February 22 at 5:15AM MST by NWS Boise ID
ESFBOI Moderate to heavy rain and low elevation snowmelt Sunday and Monday will lead to rises on rivers, creeks, and streams across portions of southeast Oregon and southwest Idaho (particularly the Weiser River Basin). Saturated or frozen soils in some areas will increase runoff. Snow and ice may clog culverts and ditches causing water to back-up and pond in low lying and poor drainage areas. Read more